Dear Editor,
The Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) has made its ruling that the term limit for presidency in Guyana stays in force. It is the law, as the court asserts; no one can run for the office of President exceeding two times. It was a long anticipated outcome to a very simple case: whether we should set this matter to a referendum and let the people decide, or go the “political route” that this Government took upon itself and won.
The PNC/APNU Government, fearing the worst case scenario if they went to the people of this country, played their race trump card well and decided to go to their friends at The CCJ to let them legitimise their pathetic position; and the court graciously obliged.
Now, it is a hollow decision by this Byron fellow, and an even hollower victory for the regime, because the PNC/APNU have to return to the same people of this country for a decision as to which person or party they would like to govern them.
Come 2020, this would be the next real case scenario that would confront them. They cannot push that aside and pretend it does not exist. Yes, elections are just around the corner, and that great decision would have to be addressed all over again.
A word to the PNC: Having been denied the ability to choose right now, we, the people, anxiously await that time when we would unequivocally cast our vote on the side of sound, educated reasoning as to who we want as our leader, party and Government.
That right none of these present voodoo doctors can deny us. So, my advice to the Byron guy is: go into retirement with that seared conscience of yours.
Now, here is where the rubber hits the road: the PNC believe this ruling in effect cripples the PPP, because their “strongman”, Dr Jagdeo, cannot run for president; so it means that it automatically brings an end to the PPP’s fortunes.
Wrong! As the master statesman rightly said, this ruling does not in any way hinder him. Rather, it strengthens him as he works assiduously for, and with, the new PPP Presidential Candidate to win the next election. This is a bold and assertive statement coming from a man who knows what lies ahead. Statements like these unnerve the Government’s side, as all attempts to stymie Jagdeo’s movements are met with even firmer resolve. The question right now is: How to stop an unstoppable PPP Train.
The situation gets even worse when you talk to Government’s very own supporters, who would use terms like these: “Things were better under The PPP,” or “You coulda see you way under the PPP, we can’t do that now.”
Those words are like pincers in their flesh, because those are the sentiments coming from within their ranks. How to deal with that groundswell of discontent against them, while at the same time the masses looking towards the Opposition for help is anybody’s guess what would be their fate come next election.
Neil Adams