Dear Editor,
A Corporal of the Georgetown City Constabulary reported to his functional superiors his discovery of a colleague engaged in gross misconduct; that is: performing a sexual act on a prisoner who is a juvenile. And what happened to the whistleblowing corporal? He gets fired for his handiwork. Unbelievable, but true.
It seems that, at the City Council, there is no law that protects employees who disclose illegal or improper activities that are ongoing at the municipality. And this is clearly the case in order to intimidate other employees, who would be clearly reluctant to report the many wrongdoings of their seniors for fear of being fired as well.
Everywhere else in the world employees are shielded from retaliatory action once the employee voluntarily discloses information regarding dishonest or illegal activities within an organisation. The administrators can’t take, or threaten to take, action against the employee.
Generally, this means the administration can’t fire, demote, suspend, threaten, harass, or discriminate against a whistleblower.
But at the Georgetown City Council, the Town Clerk — without the Council’s fiat, without the Minister’s overt endorsement, like an imperial overlord — can just nonchalantly fire a whistleblower, giving the absurd excuse that he did not make an entry of the incident in the station diary.
Why is the Georgetown City Council allowed to make up its own rules to protect the interests of the senior cabal there, to the detriment of the lower level oppressed municipal workers who are subjugated, persecuted, subdued, repressed, tyrannised, ground down, crushed, enslaved, burdened, weighed down, and exploited daily?
Amber Valentine