The pangs of real pain

Dear Editor,
Whenever anyone visits London, the Changing of the Guards (Guard Mounting) at the Buckingham Palace and Windsor Castle, is a very spectacular parade and is an irresistible sight to overlook.
Millions of visitors, yearly, would include this event on their agenda to witness this iconic ceremony, accompanied by the mesmerising music, blowing and beating to the sounds of traditional military marches, songs from films, musical scores and even familiar pop songs. The Englishman’s sang-froid is, perhaps, his signature umbrella, Bowler hat and newspaper.
It is a daily exercise most of the year except Winter. London is also famous for its outbursts of torrential rain in all its glory and its often-overcast conditions. On a note of precaution, always follow the weather forecast because the display may experience a short-term cancellation due to bad weather condition.
Guyana is certainly experiencing some really bad weather conditions because, there has been no changing of the guards for the past 113 days and counting. It has nothing to do with the expected May-June rain but the torrential downpour of distasteful wickedness, deceitfulness, evilness, cunningness and mischievousness manufactured and manipulated by the callous coalition party, directly and deliberately orchestrated and directed by the crafty old fox.
An ex-military officer, perhaps the glamour of the uniform and the “Sound of Music” is imbedded too deep within and survival is contingent on such embracement. The idea of any departure from such mainstream is not only awkward and unimaginable but also, certainly out of the question for he once boasted that “he ain’t going anywhere.”
The world is waiting for him to pass the baton, this race has its limitation and the long-distance or the fast sprint is out of his reach and reign.
Democracy has been at a cross-road since 2015 under the coalition Administration. The autonomy of the courts has been a burning question in the minds of Guyana and the rest of the world, no wonder the CCJ unhesitatingly clean bowled the coalition party and the subject courts, not once but twice last year and the field is again set for the next delivery as the incoming batsman lamely approaches the wicket, ill-equipped and poorly prepared for the inevitable.
Shamed once, shamed twice and looking forward to be maimed and crowned thrice, this time over the language you speak? The popular tune of anything beyond the boundaries of Guyana was scripted by the upholders of blindness and stubbornness and entitled “foreign interference,” and it will be playing loudly and uninterrupted in the bandstand, jumping with joy will be the spectators in the pavilion, all foreign!
It is simple math, no Mingo’s or Williams’s math, anything not grown or born in Guyana and objects with a no for a go, is equivalent to foreign and not domestic, call it arithmetic, algebra or geometry.
A taste of your own medicine? Like it or leave it. Boy oh boy, the two Judges at the Court of Appeal must be sweating bullets and wondering if their reputation is at “steak” on the barbecue grill! Lost once, lost twice, on the tip of the cliff again, sounds like the West Indies cricket team on a hat-trick, but, on a losing streak.
Guyana remains a sitting duck for the umpteenth time as the PPP/C filed an appeal with the CCJ, with regards to the decision that was made by the Guyana Court of Appeal by a vote of two to one. What did not escape the attention of the public is that costs were not awarded to any party. Does that say anything? According to some legal luminaries, the outcome from the Appeal Court yesterday does not affect GECOM from engaging in its responsibilities shunning from the completion of the election process.
Meanwhile, there is no meeting with GECOM Commission today, perhaps awaiting the elapse of the three days stay by the Appeal Court.
Conveniently, missing in action is the Charge D’affaires again, as the country floats further out to sea in a perfect storm, rudderless, stairless and captainless! He has been the head for a band of outlaws who refused to acknowledge that 33 is greater than 32; selecting an illegitimate GECOM Chairman, Mr Patterson; wasted the lives of the nation for the past one hundred plus days; dragging the country into bankruptcy and wasting the taxpayers’ money; squandering the huge surplus once again created by the PPP/C party; mishandling the economy; driving poor people into deeper poverty; starving innocent children; denying people of proper medical care; stopping the construction of the Specialty Hospital; approving unbudgeted finance and spending money on a suspicious hospital project that exceeds an engineer’s budget; unable to rationale GPL’s purchases at a crucial moment; engaging in the illegal disposal of the people’s lands and pursuing a programme comprising the complete draining of all available funds from the Treasury and piling up maximum debts.
While the grass growing on the sea bed with oil and gas, the country is starving and people are suffering, but guess what, the chosen few do not give a damn (APNU/AFC supporter or not), and are enjoying themselves, really living up the good life, eating, drinking and sleeping peacefully in the midst of a pandemic and not caring whether or not a deprived nation has a meal or a genuine concern to provide any form of substantial relief package.
Here is the leader of the coalition party who refuses to explain the answers for unbudgeted funds; Mingo’s fracas twice; Mingo’s mathematical exposure: the missing SoPs; the SoRs corresponding to the SoPs (minor differences); missing documents; claim for irregularities without evidence; how the dead came to life; how the ink on the fingers disappeared quickly; how people voted at the polls and still were out of the country the said minute; the false immigration confirmation report from the Police Commissioner; the Russians are here, there but nowhere; failing to hold standard and regular meetings with the media; granting impartial press conferences and why a coward is scared to come face to face with the nation and admit all his blatant and flagrant misdemeanours.
Despite the world addressing him as a shameful person (mildly), he is yet to desist from any activity that can redeem his outrageous character. No wonder he cannot explain the explanation for “explain.” As such, he is yet to grasp the meaning of receiving less votes than the combined opposition parties; cannot accept “no” as an answer; fails to see what the world sees and why he continues to hurt a nation by lying, cheating, retracting from his commitments, tongue-twisting, hiding and being heartless. Come, come, Mr Hide and Seek, when you come face to face with the Faceless One, will you be disguised in a mask? What are you incapable of, or rather, are you capable of anything righteous?
GECOM is on the “operating table” in the theatre, no, not the cinema, awaiting the surgeon’s scalpel! Who will be the ultimate surgeon with a knife in the hand and what will be the intention, to save or kill? Too gross? Too bad but, it’s the times that we live in, crucial and cruel. Wake up Guyana and feel the pain, no, not the small man, the big guy.
The small man is already down. Do you want to change place and feel the pangs of real pain and depression? Experience is the best teacher and unless Guyana learns now, it never will. The mourning continues, solitary, it’s COVID-19, social distancing is still effective. Do practice it for your life is at stake!

Jai Lall