The passing of Sir Shridath

Dear Editor,
News of the passing of Sir Shridath Ramphal on August 30 is cause for some reflection. He was an excellent diplomat, and led the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with distinction, even though much of the time it was to defend and obscure the excesses of the destruction that was caused by the PNC dictatorship.
At the pinnacle of his career, he became the Secretary General of the Commonwealth; but in this position, he did nothing to enhance democracy in Guyana. There was never a word of condemnation for the massive rigging of elections, nor for the terrible violations of Human Rights. Not a word was there in regard to the assassination of Walter Rodney and others.
However, he did play a leading and positive role in the struggle against apartheid in South Africa. He stood out in that role, and it was this advocacy that contributed greatly to the isolation of the white racist regime in South Africa.
Caribbean countries did not ever recognise the racist regime, and we took a leading part internationally in bring about its isolation.
The world progressive forces, at that time led and supported by the Soviet Union, the Eastern European Socialist countries, especially the German Democratic Republic (GDR), and China, managed to even have the South African region suspended from the United Nations. Sir Shridath was shoulder-to-shoulder with the anti-apartheid forces.
Today the world is facing another similar but worse situation. Reference is being made here to the grave, inhumane situation confronting the Palestinian people in the Gaza, West Bank and East Jerusalem. The destruction in the Gaza is now being reflected on the West Bank, in Jenin, where homes are being bulldozed and people are being shot randomly.
Every anti-apartheid righter from South Africa regards what is taking place in Palestine as far worse than anything that ever happened in apartheid South Africa. What is taking place there is really apartheid on steroids. Thousands of innocent babies, children, young women and the aged are among those murdered by the Israeli regime.
The Western supporters of Israel are calling this a war, but the Palestinians do not have an army, neither a single tank nor a single armoured vehicle. The Israeli regime, however, has one of the strongest armies in the world. Moreover, it has access to the most powerful country in the world. They can get, on demand, all the bombs they need and any modern weapon in existence.
The use of the term “was” is deliberately to cover up what is really happening; which is a massacre, a genocide.
Since October 7, 2023, the United States has sent to Israel five hundred (500) transport planes and one hundred and seven (107) ships full of bombs and other military hardware. Israel itself has acknowledge this when it said that, since October 7, it received more than 5,000 tons of armament and military equipment from the US alone.
Many European Union countries have supplied considerable military hardware to the fascist apartheid Israeli regime as well. Ironically, Germany comes second only to the US in provision of weapons to kill innocent civilians.
These amounts are apart from the almost four billion dollars of military equipment that the US gives to Israel annually.
In remembering Sir Shridath Ramphal’s role during the difficult times in South Africa, the Caribbean leaders of today should take up the cause of the Palestinian people and break diplomatic relations with Israel. We must lobby other countries and regions to have Israel expelled from the United Nations. This issue is the worst humanitarian disaster since the last World War. Our Humanity is on trial in Palestine.
It is not enough to utter words of condemnation; Caricom leaders must take a strong position and immediately sever relations with the Israeli Regime! They must now begin advocating for suspension of Israel from the United Nations, as they did when South Africa was ruled by a racist regime. Save our humanity now!

Donald Ramotar
Former President of Guyana