The PNC are back to their old ways

Dear Editor,
The PNC are in real fear at the present moment; reasons being they will have to face the electorate sooner than later. To face an electorate whom they have lied to and mislead these four years is very unnerving, to say the least, hence the shenanigans of having a delayed election.
Unlike the 2015 saga, when they were ever so anxious to go to the polls, this time around, they are negotiating that route at a snail’s pace; or if they would have their way, not at all.
General elections are an ultimatum, if not “the ultimatum” for that party, because all the signs and symptoms are there indicating they would have a great loss at the polls. This is not something the PNC are prepared to accept, and so they are going about this by fiddling around with the Constitution, among other oddities, which at the end of the day still cannot give them the relief they are looking for.
The soon-to-be-published verdict of The CCJ would validate my claims. So they are at the end of their tether, with no solace to which they can turn, so they are once again down the path of rigging the next election.
The rigging they would like to embark upon comes under the guise of an updated electoral list, which, according to them, can only be effected by a long and laborious house-to-house registration.
Mind you, the Constitution of Guyana expressly proposes that an updated list can be done via the continuous registration mechanism, but they are unmoved by this constitutional requirement; they want their own PNC house-to-house formula.
Now, this is their crying problem: most of their supporters have cogently expressed their views– that they will not vote for the PNC. You go down to the chic-chic boards, or talk to the man in the street, the decision is “we ain’t voting for them.”
Georgetown is their rigging bowl; their stomping ground, if you please, and to get such terse replies from their very own is nerve-wracking. So they would rather give it one last-ditch effort by going out to the people and meeting them at their homes to get them to change their minds.
They try to bribe the people with promises of house lots; jobs, oil is coming on stream next year and jobs will be available; trying to fool them one last time into voting for “your people.” That is the desperation and fear that has gripped the PNC full on, and they are determined to fix it in that house-to-house registration.
The desperation in that house-to-house registration is also linked to matching of the numbers at headquarters. Sure as day, the numbers that have already been fed into the system must match the rigged numbers from the field.
The evidence of this assertion is seen in the firing of Vishnu Persaud last year. The PNC envisage a clean job in the rigging exercise, so present an “all’s clear” path, with no scrutinising eyes around.
The PNC are back to their old, disgraceful rigging ways if the playing field should only afford them the leverage. We must thwart every device they will come up with. Down with rigging! We want free and fair elections!

Neil Adams