The PNC are fighting a losing battle against change

Dear Editor,
The PNC are in a quandary, they are in real trouble trying desperately to stem the flood tide of positive change sweeping through this country. That change has come in the PPP/C wresting control from the hands of the Opposition in certain key areas, such as in the municipal jurisdictions. This is cause for concern in the PNC Camp, and they have responded in that harsh, lowdown, derogatory way; that is, referring to the crossover candidates as rejects of their party.
When that did not work – which, honestly speaking, was destined to fail – they tried calling them all the vile names in the book. But again, that backfired, in that, with each vile accusation came another wave of supporters coming forward to work with the PPP/C in their campaign to build Guyana and move our country into a developmental mode.
That mass exodus of persons has not stopped, so they have resorted to their last stop, making up the propaganda statement that those persons were bribed or bought over by the PPP/C to support them. Well, come to think of it, that bribery charge is so ludicrous, because it would take an awful lot of bribe money to sway those thousands that are joining the ranks of the PPP/C.
So, there are two fundamental facts that the PNC have to face: (A) the difficulty to imprison the emancipated mind. With that difficulty comes the equally embarrassing fact that you would not be able to convince the emancipated mass not to break ranks with your party, and this is a sure fact.
And secondly, with a wiser and more reason-thinking population, people are going to gravitate to that positive energy source.
Change has come to Guyana, and there is nothing stopping us from moving with that change.

Neil Adams