The PNC does not respect the rule of law

Dear Editor,
Not that they carry any particular relevance to society, and this is due to their duplicitous nature, however, it is of necessity that we take an educated glance at the PNC since their last internal elections. From reports received, it was shown that four days after elections, The PNC/R’s Returning Officer cannot determine who sits on The Central Executive Committee. This comes from a total of 1,300 votes cast from which the smaller CEC grouping is to be selected.
Now, to be fair to Alexander, this is not atypical of the man nor his party, because he has been consistent with that rigging formula of theirs, so it comes as no surprise that this man cannot tell the whereabouts, nor could he find a resting place for the people’s votes. What is transpiring before our eyes is a reflection of The PNC’s true self, which is a bunch of power-hungry, despots roaming free.
It does not take a rocket scientist to determine what is going on, and I am talking about the returning officer trying his utmost to cherry-pick who sits on the CEC, or people who fit the qualifications of “Those who like Norton, from those who do not Like him,” Alexander is in a quandary as to how he could best juggle the participants around into position or simply have them struck off the list. This is the most difficult task to surmount.
The point is, that Norton might have gotten away with his clique backers, which was shown in the overwhelming votes he got for party leader, however, those who can and will, become a thorn in his flesh are patiently waiting for their opportunity on the CEC. These are the members who can elevate or downgrade him. So, in the meantime, Vincent plays hopscotch with the votes.
So, even among their own kind they cannot control themselves, I am talking from the way they handled the Vanessa Kissoon scandal up until this point, that party is one big mess; the lawlessness knows no bounds. And if you can stretch your imagination, these are the people who want to rule Guyana, with that type of dirty attitude, who would like their names to be mentioned with that party?
Nigel Hughes did the very same thing when he came up with that mathematical “Genius Formula,” with 34 being the sole majority of 65. And may I remind you of the notorious Mingo and Lowenfeld and a few others of their acolyte hackers, who believed that they could have overturned the results of the last general elections in favour of APNU/AFC.
So, in closing, let me pose this question to the PNC Leader. Are we going to view another 5 months wait for the results? Well, to be fair to Alexander and his shenanigans, The PNC Folks are stuck with him for the next two years, that is the cold hard facts!

Neil Adams