The PNC need to practise a modicum of morality

Dear Editor,
The PNC should exhibit a modicum of morality as it pertains to the issuance of an apology for the despicable practice of rigging. Our country is waiting for that moment when the PNC would at least approach the press with an apology.
That, however, would not happen. Instead of apologizing, they unashamedly defend rigging; this, in its truest terms, makes a bad situation worse.
Rigging has left us a horrible legacy that no one in his right mind would ever like replicated. It is wrong; it is a sinful and altogether evil practice. It entails a loser party being declared the winner of an election; therefore, the base on which the “winner” stands is founded in fraud, and everything that flows from that source is steeped in corruption.
Guyanese will not forgive that party for the many atrocities they were forced to live under, perpetrated by a party that has never won an election. Simply put, we will not forget!
The system of rigging stems from the concept of “We cannot win an election in Guyana, so let us steal it.” It was a plan carefully worked out by the diabolical founder-leader Burnham, who held this nation captive with his dictatorial prowess. His plan carried a racial component to it: keep his Black supporters in the stupor that they are a superior race to all other racial groups in this country. Like when it was practised by Idi Amin in Uganda, this racist ideology seemed workable, in that many to this day still believe that all other races are subservient to the Afro-Centric Race.
That Black Supremacist dogma sees all Blacks who dare to step out of that school of thought as inferior people or house slaves — a term frequently used by the diehards of that party. Some years ago, this writer was at the receiving end of hostile remarks, some of which went like this, “Banna, you ain’t a Black man. Don’t talk dem talk around Black People, or else the next time something gon happen to you.” This is the squalor mentality the PNC wants us to wallow in.
However, thanks be to The Almighty, many are becoming emancipated enough to come out of it.
The system of rigging wants you to condemn yourself to that disgraceful place where your morality is cast aside and you enter into a place where pure retrogression exists. Let me relate to you what an elderly PNC member now turned PPP/C supporter said, “We won the election because we thief. I used to dress up in meh Indian wig and meh sari and go in the Indian areas and vote.”
This is a free, frank and honest confession, which the PNC hierarchy could well engage in to cleanse their sordid souls.
Neil Adams