Home Letters The Police Commissioner should have led by example
Dear Editor,
I am taking the opportunity in this newspaper column to voice my concern over the Police Commissioner vs the Acting Police Commissioner, David Ramnarine. It is with utmost disgust that I read of the issue surrounding the Acting Police Commissioner.
Seelall Persaud, who is more senior in rank and service, should have led by example. This issue should never have come to the public domain. Persaud should have invited the Acting Police Commissioner to his office and have the matter dealt with in an appropriate manner; Ramnarine is entitled to a hearing regardless of the circumstances surrounding the issue.
From all indications, Commissioner of Police Persaud deliberately set out to destroy the reputation of Ramnarine and by doing so, it sends a dangerous precedent to the Guyana Police Force and the international community as a whole.
Ramnarine must not be seen as a ‘rubber stamp’ or a ‘yes man’. He is highly respectful and has set a high standard by ridding corrupt elements from the Guyana Police Force.
He is a disciplinarian and a plain-spoken individual. He must not be condemned for the decision he took. He must be complimented for a job well done.
Continue the good work Ramnarine, all the Divisional Commanders and Senior Officers, including all ranks and subordinate Office Inspectors stand in support of your decision.
I now call on Minister of Public Security, Khemraj Ramjattan, to shed some light on the issue.
Cylus Bates