The quality of political discourse has been diluted and devalued in Guyana

Dear Editor,
I eagerly look forward daily to reading the opinion section of the dailies, as well as following the views of both critics and supporters of the Government on social media. I look forward to well-written, well-researched, thought-provoking articles and videos on the political situation in Guyana. After all, even though the Government is making steady progress, we need critics and analysts to keep its feet on the ground, to hold it accountable.
However, I believe I am sharing the opinion of many when I say that we expect the discourses, debates, and discussions to be of a high level, bereft of the use of derogatory language and references to race or religion, and more, in a demeaning manner.
Accordingly, it is very disappointing to hear and read the same monotonous and very deceptive narrative by Rickford Burke and many of his ‘armchair philosopher cohorts, opposition ministers, and those sympathetic to the opposition’, who describe the Government as “Apartheid State, Racist Government, Installed Government” — with the city mayor claiming “the president wanting to create a Muslim state,” and many such crude and unsubstantiated labels and accusations.
I expect a robust, healthy debate that enriches the reader and stimulates critical thinking. I want Burke and the others to provide evidence of an apartheid state, substantiate your claims of the Government being ‘installed’, and so on.
Concerning Guyana being an ‘Apartheid state,’ Neville Bissember’s article, “Is Apartheid Being Practiced In Guyana?” is a well-researched and intellectually-written article that debunks this theory being erroneously promulgated by Burke and others.
The Caricom observer team that monitored the recounted exercise after the elections, declared the PPP the winner of the elections based on the recount figures. The then president, his Excellency Mr. Granger, agreed to accept the Caricom recount figures. How then can Burke and so many of his colleagues continue to refer to the Government as “Installed”? This is mind-boggling.
Dr. David Hinds, another vociferous critic of the Government, labels “Sister Geeta” (APNU Parliamentarian Geeta Chandan-Edmonds) as a slave-catcher after she criticized Tacuma Ogunseye for his controversial speech in a WPA meeting in Buxton.
Dr. Hinds, educate us as to why you think she is a ‘slave catcher.’
The political discussion is greatly devalued and diluted. We expect better of Messrs Burke, Hinds and the other critics. You all have a very important role to play in holding the Government accountable. You are all very intelligent and capable of high-quality debate and discussions on topical issues that must be dealt with, and are critically important for Guyana to move forward. Please raise the level of the debate! We can all benefit!
Let there be respectful and peaceful means of discussing issues that impact all of us. We must agree to disagree, but it must be done with the dignity that equates with your high standing and immense reputation. At the end of the day, we, our children, and future generations must share and live peacefully in this beautiful country that belongs to all of us.
As former American President Ronald Reagan noted: Peace is not the absence of conflict, it is our ability to handle conflict by peaceful means.

Mahindra Persaud