…but to the one with backing!
As predicted, while Granger has coyly kept his FACE out of the PNC’s leadership picture, it’s clear his FINGERS aren’t. Yesterday, it was reported that he doesn’t want the Party’s Congress to meet in December to elect the (new?) leader. And yes…he said with a straight face that it’s because he’s really concerned about the health of those who are gunning (literally?) for his job! After all, he said sanctimoniously, there’s the COVID pandemic still creating havoc and might just nip some of them in the (wilted?) bud! What a guy!! All heart!!
But YOU know, Dear Reader – just like your Eyewitness knows – that Granger has his horse (placeholder?) in the race . And whatever he does henceforth we should know, it’s to get that horse across the tape!! And that horse ain’t no dark one, but for a decade has been his chosen heir apparent – Lil Joe Harmon. We know that both came out of the army so their paths had to’ve intersected for decades now. Then again, with Lil Joe in charge of GDF Intelligence operations, we can be sure he worked very closely with Granger “carrying news” for the political hierarchies!! He gotta know where a lot of skeletons are buried!
Lil Joe’s so close to his Brigadier that he could literally sign off for him when he hired that US PR/lobbying firm when they were trying to rig the last elections! And could say that Granger was a US citizen!! Intelligence, bro!!! Anyhow, whatever the nexus is, while there are some snickers about Harmon’s phlegmatic personality…yes, yes, yes…he’s deadly dull – that’s not necessarily fatal!! With the leader of the Party in his corner, does he REALLY need charisma??
When you come down to it, this is the Party of Burnham – meaning that the leader has a heck of a lot of power in his hands. Granger has already flexed his muscle by indicating that Harmon’s opponents – Aubrey Norton and Dr Richard Van West-Charles – plus Mortimer Mingo and Winston Felix – shouldn’t be on the team to handle logistics. And what disqualifies them? These were the fellas in the CEC who voted to censure him!!
And this is how it’ll play out: Granger will use the levers of the party – plus the young’uns he sent to Parliament – to ensure Lil Joe rises to the top of the pecking order in the PNC. Norton and the rest will huff and they’ll puff, but they won’t be able to blow down the house to which Granger has the keys. Their dilemma is they’re also in the same house and can’t afford to puff too powerfully!!
Cause the PPP’re licking their chops!!
…to who has the drive
Some Bajan business types recently came on down to our dear mudland to explore opportunities out there for them to exploit. Your Eyewitness saw that their hosts from the Government exposed them to our bountiful forest products and construction boom. He was a tad confused about this move, since Barbados has suffered an economic meltdown because of the collapse of their tourism market due to COVID. Who’s going to drive their housing market? Or do they intend to start construction down here? They’re used to better quality construction!
Anyhow, your Eyewitness welcomes our Bajan brothers. He doesn’t hold any hard feelings towards them – even though he spent many a frustrating hour on that “Guyanese Bench” at Grantley Adams Airport!! But really, they should be looking at our Agricultural potential. Wasn’t there that Bajan company that launched rice cultivation in the Rupununi? There’s a whole lotta acreage in those savannahs!!
Maybe they’ll inspire some of us to also seize the opportunities!!