…plot unfolds
Keith Rowley didn’t have to be a soothsayer to predict this election “will not end well”. From the moment Mingo fiddled with those SoPs in front of the whole world (via smart phones) we all knew a tragedy was unfolding. And no matter how many twists and turns may ensue, tragedies have only one ending: a bad ending. We just finished Day 2 of the third act (the first introduced the dramatic personae; the second unfolded at Ashmin’s) which is supposed to go on for 25 days or so.
Well, it’s a good thing they said, “or so”, cause the way the recounting is unfolding, looking at grass growing seems like an episode of “Fast and Furious”!! On Day 1, they managed to get through 25 boxes – which was a bit of a surprise, since, by midday, they’d just done 10. At lunch break, we were told they’d ploughed through 15!! At this rate, if they were to get through all the 2300 ballot boxes, at least the May-June rains will be over! You do have to look at the bright side of these electoral matters!
But, as your Eyewitness said yesterday, the recount’s just the backdrop to the main plot – which is to throw so many spanners into the works that the whole process will have to be abandoned. And the demand that we return to the Mingoed SoPs, which have been held in “abeyance” – the new local word for “limbo” – will then inevitably be placed on the GECOM agenda.
So what spanners were thrown yesterday? Early in the morning, a couple of PPP reps were chatting with an IT rep in the open amphitheatre in full view of more than a dozen persons, and immediately the PNC-PR machinery went into overdrive. It was a repeat of Ramjattan’s hysterical shrieks during the original count: “THE RUSSIANS ARE COMING!! THE RUSSIANS ARE COMING!!” The cry this time was “Secret meeting by PPP agents and GECOM IT staff exposed!! Plan to corrupt the recount!!”
This, of course, brought the count to a halt so GECOM could look into this “secret assignation” by these PPP agents – done in front of so many persons. After all the said persons had testified that they’d heard the PPP agents simply enquiring about the status of the SoPs’ count update, the GECOM PRO had to announce that the investigation showed it was all a storm in a teacup.
But it really wasn’t, was it?? This is a diabolical ploy by the PNC to plant seeds of doubts in their supporters’ minds. These supporters – who refuse to accept the blatant ploy of Mingo – are obviously primed to confirm their bias!!
Seeing we know how the recount tragedy will end, maybe we should look at what the PNC will be hoping to come out of their machinations. To wit, that Granger will be sworn in as President, and the rest of the world and the PPP will go along with their scam. How realistic is that?? Let’s look at the rest of the world first. They’ve all gone on record to declare in the most unambiguous fashion that skulduggery was done to arrive at the Mingoed count.
Can they really back off from that?? Well, stranger things have happened in some jurisdictions – including right here with Burnham. But then the fiddlers had the finesse to at least create “reasonable doubt” in the minds of the observers.
Burnham must be whirling around in his mausoleum at Seven Ponds at how heavy-handed this present PNC lot are!
And the PPP? They just have to sit back for the inevitable sanctions.
“Secret meeting” in front of dozens of onlookers?? Sheesh!! They’re making even Ramjattan look good!!
Somebody at GECOM seems to believe that the word “tabulation” means “tribulation”!! After all the woes Mingo caused because he had to tabulate the SoPs collectively, you’d think GECOM would tabulate the SORs cumulatively.
But no…after protest, they’ll now do so daily!!