Home Letters The response from government is refreshing
Dear Editor,
The rainy season is upon us, and as has happened in previous years, flooding usually follows a downpour, due to blocked canals and drains in my community. I’m a resident of Greenfield, and a lot of the drains in my community have been blocked with excessive vegetation in recent years.
I decided to make contact with the Ministry’s hotline, asking for some assistance with clearing these canals. I was told that my request would be forwarded to the engineer for my area, to see what assistance could be rendered, and that someone would contact me on the matter. I immediately assumed that that would be the last time I heard from anyone at the Ministry. To my surprise, I was contacted by Mr Ramdeen, who identified himself as the regional engineer.
The residents were pleased with the response, and the works conducted so far. I was also told that the Minister had visited the area some time ago, and a number of drains and canals were cleared following that visit. The responsiveness and drive by this Government to get work done is refreshing and much needed at this time.
Amala Sargoon-Singh