The silent supporters of APNU/AFC

Dear Editor,
The silence from principled APNU/AFC supporters is almost deafening. Virtually the entire world condemns the actions of the cabal and its enablers, while those who supported the coalition, have access to information and can discern fact from fiction, have by and large remained silent. Why is this?
Those bent on taking all down if they don’t get their way would hurt everyone. Now Hamilton Green has plunged the country even deeper with his despicable but carefully orchestrated goading of Granger.
This new development comes after the infamy of just a few days ago; at the direction of Secretary General Luis Almagro, a special session of the AOS was convened on the situation in our country. This is unheard of.
Moreover, the OAS includes our most indispensable friends and allies in the territorial dispute with Venezuela. All the participants including Brazil, our staunch ally to the south and significant deterrent to Venezuelan claims to our territory, condemned what the cabal is up to. Venezuela is a behemoth with 30 times the population of Guyana. Brazil, however, is 8 times the size of Venezuela, with the proportional military might.
In another myopic display of ignorance, Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo some weeks ago, on the eve of The International Court of Justice hearing on the territorial dispute between Guyana and Venezuela, launched into a diatribe of puerile insults against the US and other international allies. Among the raft of accusations and insults he hurled at our allies was the reprimand to stay out of Guyana’s business.
In his effort at some limited damage control, former Foreign Minister Carl Greenidge stood up and warned the Administration of the serious repercussions for the country of the reckless use of Guyana’s sovereignty for political convenience. He noted that the rule of law is our only protection. The former Foreign Minister could well have added that the international rule of law only exists under the umbrella of protection afforded by our international friends and allies.
Now in the most brazenly vile public utterance to date, Hamilton Green is pushing Granger to ignore the Constitution and the laws of Guyana. If sedition laws do not cover this, they should. The follow-through – any action on this, is treason. The country has been teetering for 18 months. If there is a threshold warning level to the Joint Services and international community, this must be it.
In prodding Granger’s propensities and pushbutton of vainglory, Green, who undoubtedly has private access to Granger, carefully chose the specific medium to target Granger’s vanity most effectively and quash any wavering he might have.
Using the radio programme Straight Up Live and speaking directly to Granger, whom he addressed as “my young fella”, Green pressed:
“For the sake of your children and our children and their children, do what is necessary. Put aside the Constitution. Put aside the laws. You are, at this moment, and we hope for a long time, Commander-in-Chief. Take action so that your people, our people and the people of Guyana, will honour you, no matter what it costs… Great men have always been criticised by outsiders.”
Yes, Your Excellency, that’s what he called you – a great man. Ignore the international community, on whom Guyana’s existence as we know it depends.
This vile and despicable counsel would be the comical flattery of a vain man were it not for the tragic consequences that would result from what the likes of Green and Harmon would have befallen our country.
Many thought that the politics of the ’60s were a thing of the past. But this is much worse. Green’s violent history is well known. Even Burnham sidelined him and the party eventually banished him. Now he’s back manipulating Granger.
APNU/AFC supporters, regardless of how deep-rooted your allegiance is, you cannot be happy with what is happening.
The damage the cabal has already done to the country is incalculable.
Every right-thinking Guyanese – we all need to push back against this vile undertaking that would destroy the country and us all.
Albert Einstein said a while ago, “The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing”.

Ron Cheong