The sloth of justice in Guyana

Dear Editor,
The sloth of justice in Guyana continues to manifest itself. Four years to get the case of the election to this stage is ridiculous, but it still falls short of the time it is taking to have justice delivered in the Crum-Ewing case. The AG was a fellow student with the deceased and his cry for justice when in opposition has grown silent during his 4 years in office. When will our QC alumni be allowed to rest in peace? It was the event that shifted the hold of power.
Even the APNU+AFC have not done their job properly in this matter. The Murder She Wrote concert took place at the beginning of their term in office, but Justice in the Crum-Ewing case was never delivered.
As for the AFC’s Presidential candidate, he is now erasing all doubts by speaking up for those involved in the attempted theft of the last elections. His decision to place the earning of money before the democratic rights of the Guyanese people makes it very clear where he would stand when it comes to Exxon and his law firm.
Everyone who watched what took place during the last elections knows very well what happened. From the infamous signature to the bed sheet, no one has forgotten how wicked the election process became. The Presidential candidate for the government is also questionable, but he has silenced many by spreading the wealth gained from oil. Even if the Canadians have decided to turn a blind eye to the 5 charges that they conveniently ignored and dropped over the last 4 years, the opposition has become complicit in their silence. The party goes on with the Ganja Defence Force and the Soca music plays loudly at SOCU.
Yet the blood of fallen alumni from our prestigious Queen’s College continues to cry out for justice from the ground. The sloth of justice in Guyana has been enabled by the ill-gotten riches of fools and the attainment of wealth at the expense of all. It has been forecasted that 22 major storms will take place this year. Beryl was just the first. Party on and enjoy the bounty if you must. Maybe the bounty that comes with a just existence will eventually be begotten.

Jamil Changlee