The success of Sol’s rebrand and its impact on Guyana’s fuel market

Dear Editor,
I am writing to share my thoughts on the rebranding of Shell to Mobil under Sol’s stewardship and the potential this brings to Guyana’s fuel market. Having followed this transition closely, I believe it sets a fresh and exciting tone for the industry and Guyanese consumers.
For years, Shell was viewed as an upmarket brand in Guyana, catering largely to the elite. Many financially conscious consumers opted for other brands, perceiving Shell as expensive and out of reach. This created a disconnect between Shell and the average driver.
Though fuel in Guyana typically originates from the same sources, differentiated only by additives, Shell’s “elite” image persisted, limiting its broader appeal. Sol’s rebranding to Mobil, a globally respected name, now offers Guyanese consumers what is perceived to be a premium yet accessible option. While prices may remain similar, Mobil’s image bridges the gap between exclusivity and the everyday consumer. Beyond just a name change, Sol now has the opportunity to redefine service and technology in Guyana, improving both performance and customer experience.
This rebrand is a strategic move that positions Sol to engage a wider market. Mobil’s global reputation, combined with Sol’s local expertise, sets the stage for long-term success.
In contrast, GTT’s recent rebrand to One Communications has been largely met with frustration. Many customers associate it not with progress, but with inflated costs and declining service quality. Rather than inspiring confidence, GTT’s rebrand feels more like a marketing exercise disconnected from the real concerns of its customers. With service disruptions and poor customer service still being major issues, the change of name seems like an untimely attempt to distract from unresolved problems. Unlike Sol’s thoughtful approach, GTT’s effort appears to be out of touch with the needs of the people it serves.
I commend Sol on this rebrand and look forward to its future developments. This is a positive step for Guyana’s fuel market, and I hope other companies take note of Sol’s careful strategy. I believe it will lead to long-term success and improved service for consumers.

Nicholas Yearwood
Strategic Brand Planners