The traffic situation in Guyana is evolving

Dear Editor,
Dear Editor, the current Traffic Chief in Guyana seems to have accepted the role of barking and no bite. Repeatedly each traffic chief jumped on the podium and started issuing threats and like an ordinary fraudster, said the words that people wanted to hear, and no results.
Out traffic situation seems to be evolving to the worse and still no one seems to really know nor understand how to go about and address this issue. At one point, this present administration was boasting about installing state-of-the-art cameras with all sorts of features and the fact is, years after, the situation remains the same. If one is to observe the traffic accidents in one in Guyana, most occur in the night/morning hours, which is the time the traffic officers are enjoying their peaceful sleep.
Editor, various reasons help to contribute to accidents in Guyana, but none of the actors seems particularly concerned to address them. Many vehicles started painting or tinting their brake lights, which makes it almost impossible to see during the day unless you are up close. Is that legal?
Many vehicles are purchasing a single led light and installing it on their windshield or the roof of their vehicle and instead of pointing it on the road for a better vision, they conveniently point it directly in the faces of drivers coming in the opposite direction. Many trucks also disregard the lights the trucks come with and install some powerful LED lights that almost blind other drivers. Aren’t the police aware of these illegal actions and can’t they address them? Whilst they continue to make idle threats, people’s lives are being snuffed out carelessly, all because they are incompetent to function properly in the position they’ve been entrusted with!

Sahadeo Bates