Vanessa Kissoon’s allegations would negatively impact the PNC campaign in Linden

Dear Editor,
When Vanessa Kissoon came public with her revelations of the Opposition Leader, one would have thought that the party would have at least sat down with her and tried to settle the matter amicably.
However, this was not the case; instead, the top brass in her party threw her under the bus and left her there to die. They then savagely launched an attack, maligning her in every way, and finally throwing her down in the dumps as a mad woman.
Further denigrations placed her as an insane attention-seeker and someone who was up to no good. Well, for starters, I can inform them that she is not insane. However, she was very instrumental in getting attention to her cause, enough to have shaken the party right to its foundation. In just the same way Nagamootoo and Ramjattan could have roughed up the PPP/C in its stronghold, the same could be said of Vanessa Kissoon in Linden.
To stand up to a bully like Norton takes grit and determination, and to come out public to make it a headline issue is tremendous. So, if Norton mistakenly believed that his party comrade was an easy walkover, he needs to think again. Her confessions were at a surgical point of the party, that is, at Congress deliberations, leaving a bad stain on everything that took place there.
Certainly, her coming out epitomizes the strength of a woman, something not seen by that gender in her party. I am speaking of a historical trend from their founder Leader Burnham to the present generation, women are seen as chattels or easy shove overs, beings that should be docile and subservient at all times. Well, at least The Bam Bam Alley Guy would have enhanced that notion.
Even Red Thread with its glorified bunch of “layout guanas” kept their mouths shut, never to utter a word of condemnation or lend a helping hand to the sister who was violated. Her efforts were not in vain though, because she singlehandedly put an entire congress in a head spin, the two lone candidates suddenly withdrew twenty-four hours before Congress, thus giving Norton an open highway to the leadership position. He was the lone banjo man on the range.
If the PNC thinks this would have gone down well in the party line, then I ask them to do some critical thinking. There will be a shakeup in Linden come the next election. That’s for sure, because the fault lines of doubt are widening by the day.
The captive vote mentality held by that party would be called into question when the time comes. I say the people of Linden are wiser now, and will speak again; it’s a foregone conclusion!

Neil Adams