There has to be an investigation into the election of the new PNC/R Executive

Dear Editor,
Now that the so-called Returning Officer, Vincent Alexander has finally produced all the results of last week’s election at the PNCR 22nd congress, I would like to say there are more questions than answers and more than meets the eye.
Firstly, this congress was badly executed and planned. It was not a congress but a gathering of Norton’s supporters and members who had outlived their usefulness in the party. It was one of the hastily pulled-together Congresses in the party’s history. I think the PNCR founding leaders would be ashamed of the big four: Norton, Sherwin Belgrave, Vincent Alexander, and the Congress Committee.
Nowhere could there be found a member who was honest enough to come publicly and say that the Congress was excellent in its execution and form. From the nightmarish security arrangement, foods and snacks, to seating arrangements, audio, broadcast, and pre-congress arrangements, the order was chaos and confusion. Do you know where the Amerindian delegates slept, and what they ate? I could tell you it wasn’t on the bed in an A/C environment, and there certainly was not a healthy diet. The Congress programme was disrespectful to the MC, who tried but failed miserably to the lengths of journeys into oblivion, just to say that there was a lengthy programme. This was not the PNC I have come to expect. There was no class, glitz and glamorous Congress. The congress was low budget and should be dubbed ‘Norton’s get-together’.
Secondly, Norton’s speech was big on words and familiar lyrics, but I ask you: where was the substance? It was boring, and despite the forced applause, it was no call to action. It should have served in general elections and the future of the PNC. Norton should have told us what he has done to ready the party to go into battle with the PPPC.
He should have talked about the levels of disunity and mistrust within the walls of Congress Place, giving the public a bite into the workings of APNU-AFC and coalition politics.
Instead, delegates were treated to the same old, humdrum and outdated verbiage that I, sadly, have come to expect of this type of autocratic leader like Norton. He did not even try to disguise like his founding leader did many times. It was unfortunate, and Norton missed a big opportunity to read the Riot Act to the PPPC and Government. The confused and perplexing look on the faces of many as Norton read from his speech was priceless. This was not a congress but ‘Norton’s get together and praise’.
Oh, and no real leader would let a young woman say that horribly crafted and structured introduction to the leader of a party. No one!
Thirdly, I wonder what is GECOM doing with Vincent Alexander there. I mean, a week to produce ‘credible results’ for 1300 delegates. I could wonder what GECOM had to do if he had to declare the winner of the 2020 polls.
Let me say it clearly: there should be an investigation into the results. It was not done correctly. There was no transparency and accountability. It was rigged in Norton’s favour, and that is the Norton’s Executive, not PNCR. I, for one, do not know many of the people or have never had the opportunity to see them work. And I have been in the media proper for 13 years.
Also, no Amanza Walton-Desir and Roysdale Forde? No Christopher Jones? Vanessa Kissoon? No one from PNCR past of right thinking and objective MPs or members?
This could never be accurate, and I heard that the voting system was flawed. Give us the stats of how delegates voted, and give the actual records to an internal body as part of the probe. How many polling agents did you have, and how many were volunteers of Norton’s choosing? Where were the delegates listed? I think that Alexander knows he teamed up with Norton to rig the Congress, and I expect that he would have a lot to say in some form. Shameful and spineless!
I call for the PNC Elders to come to the fore and question the legitimacy of the ballots cast. Let there be a recount, because it seems to lack transparency and accountability. I am side-eyeing Alexander and Norton.
Finally, Norton should have read the mood of the public, since he chose to do like the PPP-C and have the opening streamed live. The level of dishonesty and thievery that took place is enough the make Desmond Hoyte turn in his grave. No wonder, out of regret, the late Hoyte had removed Norton when he was his GS after one year. He saw into the future, and the harm Norton is doing to coalition politics is unforgivable.

Yours truly,
Michael Younge