These empty promises

Dear Editor,
With amusement, I watched on as this Administration once again started making empty promises and building voters’ hopes up in an attempt to win back the voters that they greatly disappointed.
What is ironic is that they failed to address the empty promises they made before the last general election and interestingly, they are making new promises. The President tries to portray the image of a no-nonsense person but immediately after awarding himself and Ministers a huge salary increase, my confidence for them diminished.
After that, he attempted to fool the people once again by disbanding Ministries, and amazingly, there are more Ministers than the previous Administration had. Many come to realise their ministerial position was created just to give them a portfolio and we all see that they have so much time and taxpayers’ money to waste that they could have gone to the CCJ just to attempt to get support.
Meanwhile, all Ministries are still fumbling to perform their duties properly, whilst the country is crying out for help. Editor, since the No-Confidence Motion, under the shelter of ‘Ministerial Outreach’, the Ministers and party supporters have been running all over the country trying to bribe voters by making promises.
What I find comical is that these Ministers and supporters know the conditions and issues affecting places and they never attempt to address any. Now that their fun is about to be cut, they are running around asking people of issues affecting them when they fully well know of the issues. At the Tuschen New Scheme, for instance, all the streets are in deplorable conditions, the main access road is the only one that is in a decent condition for vehicles to traverse.
As a result of the condition of the streets, motorists find themselves spending a huge amount of money to repair their vehicles constantly and they are forced to overcharge passengers traversing the area. Now this is a scheme that developed under the PPP/C’s tenure and because the area was developing, heavy-duty vehicles were constantly using the streets, thus, after time, they started to deteriorate.
Now this Administration, under the guise of ‘Ministerial Outreach’, is going around campaigning and pretending to listen to people’s cries. They fully well know the conditions of these areas and know that almost everywhere they go, residents will be asking for better roads, telephone lines, proper security, street lights, etc, but because their intentions are not what residents expect, the residents are being misled.
What I am saying is that it makes no sense for you to be wasting hours going somewhere under the guise of going to help when you already know the situation of the place. Added to that, you have the NDC and the Regional Council that would be au fait with the conditions of these places and I am quite sure that this information would reach each Minister for their attention, which in most cases are being ignored, so instead of being in their office trying to do a proper job, they are wasting time and taxpayers’ money distracting people. Yes, taxpayers’ money is being squandered meaninglessly.
So, they are piggybacking on the works of the PPP/C, riddled with more accusations of corruption and incompetence than the PPP/C and they have nothing tangible to show for the time they have been in office but they are wasting time going around the country in a feeble attempt to buy Guyanese votes. They should understand by now that Guyanese are not stupid and are fully well aware of their incompetence!

Sahadeo Bates