Dear Editor,
The PPP/C continues to express its grave concerns about the unfair and unhealthy developments as it relates to the procurement process to identify the contractor for the new Demerara River crossing. We have expressed concern as it relates to the decision made and publicly announced that the extended deadline for the submission of bids for the pre-qualification of contractors had moved from a date in October to a new date in November.
We continue to express our concern as it relates to this model of “Finance, Build, Operate and Maintain”, as against the “Build, Own, Operate and Transfer” (BOOT). Enough is still not known as it relates to this new model where the contractor is also expected to be the investor. Our concerns are currently heightened with our recent access to reliable information of the “backroom wheeling and dealing” that involves Ministers and senior political operatives in the APNU/AFC coalition Administration and potential investors/contractors to ensure a pre-determined outcome.
These signs of unfair competition are unhealthy and very disturbing; this is the foundation of corrupt transactions. Our sources have indicated that there is sufficient traceable evidence of frequent and unhealthy engagements between Ministers and APNU/AFC political operatives and certain companies long before the closing date for submission of bids for pre-qualification. It is clear that the contract will be awarded to either a known Chinese company with a strong presence in Jamaica or a Dutch consortium that has done work in Suriname. As a result, we shall be closely monitoring the results of this process.
The PPP/C urges the project management team to be steadfast in their professionalism during the evaluation process and not allow their integrity to be compromised by political decisions. The evaluators also must have the strength of character to rebuff political interference or direction.
We promise to continue to fulfil our responsibilities to expose corruption in the Government sector and to protect the Guyanese people’s interest and prevent the rape of our country by such “sweetheart deals”. APNU+AFC, we will hold your feet to the fire.
Sincerely yours,
Bishop Juan Edghill,