Less than six months after persons forcefully made their way into a Christian church, a Hindu temple and a Muslim mosque, at Gay Park Greater New Amsterdam, bandits have again broken into the mosque.
The discovery was made on Tuesday evening as members had gathered for the evening prayer.
President of the Providence/Gay Park Mosque Feroz Jaffarally told Guyana Times that an amplifier and other equipment was stolen.
The window through which the bandits gain entry
In August 2017, thieves had broken into the masjid through an unsecured door and then the perpetrator (s) climbed into the main part of the building, which housed most of the valuable items belonging to the Mosque.
However, in Tuesday’s robbery, several louvers were removed from a window at the back of the building and a part of the steel grill hammered open.
This publication was shown a whole which was used to gain entry into the place of worship.
“It had to be a small person who was used to pass through there and they had to have a bigger person on the outside,” Jaffarally pointed out.
“They couldn’t get to pass anything bigger through the whole.”
He said the 750-watt amplifier which was used to call the Azam is now missing.
“I was here for a while and then I washed my hands and we were all ready and as I went, there was no equipment.”
The amplifier, speakers and microphone were all gone Jaffarally said.
Imam of the Providence/Gay Park Mosque, Boyie Mohammed told this publication that there are several pieces of derelict vehicles surrounding the building making it almost impossible for surveillance cameras in the area to focus on the mosque.
“We have complained about this. There is a workshop down the street and when the trucks come to be fixed and they don’t want them they are left on the road around here to rot,” he explained.
Jaffarally noted that the New Amsterdam Town Council was informed about the situation. “The former Mayor Kurt Winter and some councilors visited to get a firsthand look at the situation in July 2016.”
He further stated that the current Mayor was also informed of the inconvenience being caused as a result of the derelict trucks.
Meanwhile, about one hundred members attend the Providence/Gay Park Mosque and use the equipment which was stolen.
“We usually have programs here to help keep the youths off the street.
This is the third time that persons broke into the building and stole. Back in 2002, a generator valued at close to $1M was stolen along with cooking utensils which were used for religious functions along with kitchenware.