…by PNC must stop
How much more shame and embarrassment must this PNC government and its myrmidons be allowed to bring upon the Guyanese people? When are we going to stand up and say, “No more!!”? Your Eyewitness, of course, is referring to the CCJ’s “post-judgement hearing” that was held yesterday – when the eminent justices had to literally roll their eyes at the submissions of the “government side” as to what consequential orders ought to be issued.
Mendez for the Opposition side was extremely succinct: just follow the very clear language of the constitution and issue orders accordingly, he advised the court! On elections, since the 3-month period from Dec 21 had obviously expired PLUS another three months, the Opposition Leader (OL) graciously allowed the government ANOTHER three months – which would bring us to Sept 24th. On the GECOM Chairman, he proposed ONE week to consult with the President and submit a list and for the President to select one of the names. Story done!!
Delicately asking as to whether the lawyers or their principals for the two sides had met, the Court was informed that they hadn’t! Chief Justice Saunders ruefully remarked, “The same degree of urgency that is expected of the court we don’t see in the behaviour of the political directorate!” Mendez didn’t seek to cast blame for the failure to meet – much less fail to reach a consensus; but Basil Williams slyly claimed that the president had “immediately” invited the OL to a meeting but hadn’t even received a reply!! A Senior Counsel and AG being so duplicitous!”
As Mendez calmly pointed out later, Granger’s invitation had explicitly stated the meeting was to be AFTER yesterday’s post-judgement hearing!! But that’s the sort of low-down behaviour that’s standard for the PNC, isn’t it? That behaviour was also very clear in Basil Williams total focus on insisting that the President remains the president until AFTER the elections – whenever that is held!! So he’d give no effect to Art 106 (6) which is pellucid: “The President and Cabinet SHALL resign” immediately after an NCM!!
Williams eagerly grasped at a straw thrown by Marcus, the GECOM shill, that Art 106 96) was merely “directory” and not mandatory! More half-men!! The Court was forced to pin him down on this concoction and asked whether he was saying that Art106(6) “three months” was of no effect! Williams then extrapolated that notwithstanding Art 106(6) the President retained total discretion on setting the dates for elections!!
Reminded about his client’s RECOMMENDATIONS, he launched into a long soliloquy on the need for a president to hold off the Venezuelans on our western border!! Pathetic!!
Enough is enough!!
…by GECOM must stop
The high-paid Counsel for GECOM, Marcus, once again made a “mocking stock” of himself and his client. He bobbed and weaved – like Williams – in answering the simple question as to what was his client recommending ! He even mixed up the relevant sections of the Constitution he sought to buttress his argument– such as that was!!
But he exploded a bombshell to the Court that visibly shocked the Justices, who’d been emphasising that the Constitution had clearly stipulated elections after an NCM HAD to be within THREE months! Clearly exposing the tag-team arrangement the PNC had with GECOM, he claimed the best date for presenting a list of electors for elections was going to be Dec 24th!! Knowing that nothing happens in Guyana between Christmas and New Year, he was incredibly telling the Guyanese people that elections wouldn’t be until some way in Jan 2019!!
Their ploy to revert to the Assembly and the PPP refusing an extension, Granger then resorts to Art162 (2) and proclaims the election based on GECOM’s “hardship” date!
…WILL end!!
But old people have long experience with folks like the PNC when they say, “time longer than twine”. Your Eyewitness has faith there are enough decent folks who’d given the PNC-led coalition a chance.
And have now decided Guyana must do better!!