This country…

…not for SOME old men
Time, it is said, waits on no man…but in Guyana, it’s clear the Government can make it stop for SOME men. Which, as you can imagine, dear reader, is not an inconsiderable power – especially in a country where the Government already acts without shame as the Levithan! Your Eyewitness has already mentioned the firing of one ex-Chancellor of the Judiciary – Justice Cecil Kennard – from his position as Chair of the Police Complaints Authority, because he’s “too old”.
What he didn’t know, were the circumstances under which the Chancellor was fired. And these were shocking and reprehensible, to say the least. Imagine giving a man 36 hours to leave his job after HE’S given 50 years of service to Guyana! And that notice is sent through the mail! “Cold” isn’t the word. Then to rub salt into that wound, when Justice Kennard askes for an extension to clean up his case backlog, they give him two months rather than three! What manner of men are these that call the shots, this PNC-led coalition Government?
Men with a devious plan, that’s who. First of all, we know the purported “age disqualification” for Justice Kennard is risible. We already pointed out this Government hired Clive Thomas – who’s just as old as Kennard – to not just one job, but three!! Two more stressful than any other job in the realm – Chairing GuySuCo and Chairing SARA. On the third, “Advising the President”, maybe he can wing it – but not the other two. In the PCA, Justice Kennard would be basically evaluating evidence in cases just as he’s being doing for 50 years. Thomas, has never run a cake shop much less getting rid of GuySuCo’s assets to “political investors” and collecting assets from “political enemies”.
So, what’s really going on here? The decks are being cleared to have the Executive assume total control of the State machinery. And individuals who have a background of independence – especially from the judicial branch, just won’t do – no “intelligence, integrity and impartiality” needed! Their ideal candidates would be someone like the old Chief Justice Bollers, who did the PNC’s bidding when he was placed in charge of the then Elections Commission. And closed his eyes to all the rigging.
By removing Chancellor (ag) Carl Singh, former Chancellor Kennard, former Appellate Prem Persaud, and Deputy Solicitor General Kissoon, the message sent is pellucid. If you’re employed by the State, you’re presumed guilty of consorting with the “enemy” once you’re ethnically challenged!
Your professionalism doesn’t matter. Just bend your principles into a pretzel to conform with outcomes you know the Government wants.

…playing with lives
Your Eyewitness saw the carefully worded – VERY carefully worded statement that in seven out the 10 regions of Guyana, 60 per cent of the “primary drugs”, were supplied. They could have been up front and admitted that four out of 10 main drugs like pain killers or “sugar tablets” are unavailable to the vast majority of the people of this country!
But that’ll never happen in this Orwellian Guyana, will it? In Opposition, the APNU/AFC insisted there were major problems in this country’s pharma procurement. Taking office, they threw the old system out – to “correct” the flaws. The old major supplier was thrown out on their ears and new favoured ones introduced. But the complaints of “drug shortages” persisted – but were stoutly denied. The medical personnel didn’t know what they were talking about! But after a while, the “no drugs” cries were too widespread to ignore.
So we heard it was a “warehouse problem” – and a new sole sourced warehouse would take care of that.
So what’s the new excuse?

…and parking
The Chronic insisted former President Ramotar’s car was clamped even thought there was no meter there, because it was in a “no parking zone”. So, Smart City’s doing the Traffic Police job, now?
Does Ramjattan know about this?