This is a good day for democracy!

Dear Editor,
Wednesday, August 12, 2021 is a day that will go down in the pages of history as the day when democracy prevailed in Guyana.
I say that because Chief Elections Officer Keith Lowenfield, Deputy Chief Elections Officer Roxanne Meyers, and Elections Officer for Region 4, Mortimer Mingo, had their contracts terminated.
This decision makes it a joyous day. It comes ten days after President Dr. Irfaan Ali said it is going to happen. It took 17 months, but I am glad that the biggest obstacle to Guyana moving forward has been dealt with cautiously. GECOM can now focus its energies on reforms and local government elections.
I understand that GECOM Chairperson Claudette Singh and the three Government-nominated Commissioners voted for contract terminations. The three Opposition-nominated Commissioners abstained. That is more than I expected, because the Opposition Commissioners did not vote for them to continue. Never mind, they are receiving their benefits.
I am glad that they are gone! And the albatross has finally been lifted off of GECOM’s neck. It can finally breathe again.

Yours truly,
Suraj Singh