Home Letters Those who are to be removed will be removed
Dear Editor,
The removal of David Patterson from the head of the Public Accounts Committee was a timely move, and was most welcome by all right-thinking people of this country.
His removal comes as a refreshing breeze to the noble estate of the PAC, where accounts, or spending of Government, can be scrutinised.
We want to hold all Governments – and I repeat, we hold all Governments – accountable to the people; that is, we demand proper scrutiny of a government’s stewardship in office.
This automatically means that there will be an audit of the APNU/AFC Administration’s spending first, before we venture into those of the current administration.
On that note, Patterson refused to recuse himself to give the Auditor General unfettered access into the accounts of the former Government. In essence, what they are saying is this: for that audit to be of any significance, Patterson should remove himself from the chairman’s position. It would be a conflict of interest, or for the Auditor General to do his job successfully once Patterson chairs that committee.
Already, there are warning signs of this man’s reluctance to have any audit into past governmental transactions to which he was a part. Patterson has been playing the role of an obstructionist ever since,
so there is good reason to support the position which seeks his removal; because the former Minister of Government is the subject of too many allegedly corrupt transactions during his time in office.
His handling of tax payers’ monies was mired in controversy right from the very beginning of his reign, and it is public knowledge that his Ministry could not get a single project completed.
I respectfully concur with Parliamentary Secretary Miss Gail Teixeira when she asserted that if governments can be removed, then why should Patterson not be afforded the same treatment?
But it all goes to show the fabric of which the Coalition is made of, a bunch of disgraceful individuals who raped the treasury and believe that they can get away with it. Well, I must inform the disgraceful group to think again, this is not going to happen in this new dispensation of things.
This corrupt bullyism was further displayed when, for five long months, this nation was burdened by a PNC-led Coalition which was adamant that it must remain in office despite the voters’ decision that it should go. Our country had to endure five long, arduous months and numerous court battles to remove this party out of office. The summary of it all is that democracy, as we know, ultimately prevailed.
There is also a direct message sent to Lowenfield and company, that you are next in line as we seek to sanitise our country from all corrupt people. We must purge our committees of corrupt, inept individuals for the ultimate triumph of democracy.
Neil Adams