Threats & insults veiled as acts of concern for people would not give political mileage

Dear Editor,
The PNC and its minions are in full campaign mode, and their strategy is set in the old PNC message: “We care about you, so we promise everything there is. If only we could get back into power, we will do for you over and above that which is humanly possible. This time around, we will deliver, we will reach a place called nirvana”.
This, in real time, is the same old ‘Good Life’ makeover. But if you decode that message, you will see that it is a carefully set trap that is meant to fool the public into believing that they really care, when they do not. Their campaign message, when converted into intelligible language, is a set of insults and threats veiled in pretentious verbiage. In other words, they have an obscure concern for people’s welfare.
So, let us begin with their power base first; that is, those in the Afro-centric community. Such a gathering was led into believing that they are the super race and are a prized possession of the PNC. As such, all other races were held in contempt.
Burnham led them to believe that they were the sole builders of Guyana, and as such, they should “own and control” everything around them. This translated into the PNC leading a fighting mob to “take back” what they supposedly owned. That resulted in the riots which targeted persons of other races.
The Black Race was carried away into committing disgraceful acts against other races, all in the name of Black Supremacy. History will show that when they were caught in these despicable acts, Hoyte would flatly deny ever knowing them. The message here is: use the race for your own narrow political purpose, then when the goal is reached, dump them. It is a reprehensible act to ever see one’s own race as pawns to be used for narrow political purposes. I cannot here use stronger language to describe them.
The message is even clearer now when you look back at the way those members of the race were treated who dared to step out of that servile mode. The party’s lynch mob simply eliminated them. Dr Rodney is a prime example, something the pathetic members of the WPA have struggled ever since to live with.
Fast forward to the emancipated Afro-centric peoples of today, who have gotten the rude awakening that they were being treated as receptacles by their servile masters. These have scaled the slave border and are taking their place in a new and enlightened atmosphere.
A similar fate awaited the Indo-Guyanese when the subliminal call was made that “We care for you people, we would never close the sugar estates.” The AFC faction went into the PPP/C stronghold spreading their gospel to vote for The Coalition as a “Good Life awaits them.” When that goal was fulfilled in getting into power, the Granger Administration simply forgot about them and promptly closed the estates, placing thousands out of a job.
It is against this backdrop that we view the way our Amerindian brothers and sisters were treated. The PNC has, for a long time, held sway in the Indigenous communities that voted for them. They would occasionally showcase them as the original peoples of this country; yet, when in power, they treated them like dirt.
A case in point: the PNC never gave them land titles as owners of the land, only made promises to do so. The PPP/C gave back to the people what was duly theirs, hence the results of the last election showed resounding support for the party. The PPP/C have shown that they are not a party of empty promises, but one of fulfilling those promises.
In another instance, when pressed by our Indigenous peoples for subventions from the LCDS, the PNC Minister gave the intoxicated answer that “The Amerindians are greedy”. I here ask the editor to please permit me to use the term the PNC think “Buckman” stupid. Thus, it was their contempt for the Amerindian peoples and their rights.
Now that they are in Opposition, the AFC are speaking in caring and concerned tones to the Amerindian peoples. they speak about the deplorable conditions existing in their communities in the use of pit latrines. This mathematical genius turned mighty discoverer is now making out a case for our Indigenous peoples. Again, his behind might never have known of a pit latrine before, so here comes the Afro-centric (he likes to use that word) Christopher Columbus to tell us of its usage in a modern society.
The point I am making is that the AFC is looking for votes in the next election, but for Jesus’ sake, do not insult our Amerindian brothers and sisters in such a condescending way. Our Indigenous peoples deserve better. Insults and demeaning language will not get your party anywhere. I repeat: your insulative strategy moves will not give you the votes you so desperately crave.

Neil Adams