Time for justice

Dear Editor,
It boggles the mind that, after all the adverse publicity regarding the US$18 million bonus which the former Minister and his Government vociferously denied, the whereabouts of the money is still an unsolved mystery. Yet Mr Jordan wants us to believe that the allegations of possible corrupt actions by him are “false, baseless and repugnant”.
One can only imagine that if the first money from oil cannot be accounted for, what would have happened to the revenues which keep coming in. We, as Guyanese, must be forever thankful that the Coalition is still not in Government.
It is heartening to note that the Attorney General will also be going after the many corrupt land transactions and giveaways of prime state land in addition to those who have benefited from below-market value sale of state lands. The Attorney General must also launch an investigation into the spending of $17.4 billion of the GuySuCo Bond and the corrupt sale of estate assets by the SPU.
Many operable pieces of equipment, machinery, and even houses were sold for peanuts to friends and families.
The SPU Head and the former Finance Minister must be brought to justice.

Yours sincerely,
H Yusuf