Time Guyana, time

Dear Editor,
“It takes so much energy to lie. I wish some people could grasp the sense of the freedom and liberation that comes with being honest and genuine.” – Mama Zara
The desperation of the PNC and their allies, all of whom are beneficiaries of the largesse of the State, is being manifested in so many silly ways. The thing about lying and deception is that it has no end in sight. The Guyana Elections 2020 – GECOM saga continues. Not wanting to repeat myself, I have now noticed that Mr Gary Best has now come out of the woodwork, obviously fighting for survival and possibly expecting a PNC-led Government to help him in his present judicial troubles. He journeyed to Linden to spew PNC propaganda that the coalition won the elections and it is the PPP/C who wants to rig the recount and essentially that the people of Linden must stop this from happening.
This can be viewed as inciting and should be investigated by the Guyana National Broadcasting Authority (GNBA). Questions that Mr Best should answer to convince the people of Guyana that the coalition won the elections are:
a) Why hasn’t the PNC-led APNU/AFC displayed their SoPs for all to scrutinise and refute the figures of the SoPs publicised by the PPP/C since March 5, 2020?
b) Why is it that Gary Best, an attorney-at-law and a member of the Executive Committee of the PNCR did not intervene when Ulita Moore, an APNU candidate, went to the courts to stop the recount requested by the ultimate leader of the PNCR, President David Granger?
c) Why is Gary Best, a former Chief of Staff of the army, who would have also chaired the Joint Services Command Structure, not advising and progressively pursuing a swift and transparent recount of the votes of the March 2, 2020 elections knowing that these delays can harm the peace and have implications on law and order?
d) Why isn’t Gary Best urging the Government-nominated and controlled Commissioners at GECOM to end their obstructionist behaviour and to act in the interest of all Guyana by ensuring that a Government is sworn in to office based on credible results, especially in light of the current health crisis: the COVID-19 pandemic?
e) Why isn’t Gary Best in public spaces telling Guyanese how many votes his party won the elections by and why didn’t he encourage the PNCR to abandon Mingo’s rigsheet/spreadsheet and to obey the law by allowing the tabulation of the Statements of Poll as is stated in the Representation of the People Act and directed in the rulings of the Chief Justice (ag), Madame Roxane George?
I have learnt in my professional life that when you are dealing with frauds and liars, you listen more to what they don’t say rather than what they do say. A word of advice to Gary Best et al: behave responsibly, learn a lesson from the trees – they lose their leaves every year and still they stand tall waiting for better days to come. The people heard what you and the cabal have said and they also heard what you did not say. Let truth prevail. Mr Gary Best and his PNC friends, most of whom professed to be Christians, must be aware of what the Holy Bible says in Proverbs 12:19 – “Truthful lips endure forever, but a lying tongue lasts only a moment”.
Time Guyana, time!

Yours sincerely,
Bishop Juan Edghill