Home Letters Time to start airing the parliamentary sittings
Dear Editor,
I would like to suggest that all Parliamentary Sittings be systematically broadcast via the National Communications Network and other State-owned media when the House is in session. It is important for Guyanese to monitor the performance of the people they elect to represent their interests, in what ought to be the highest institution of democracy in Guyana.
This will ensure that as many Guyanese families as possible participate, albeit indirectly, in the national decision-making process and the enacting of policies in their names.
For now the Sittings are only available via Livestream which requires access to the internet. Unfortunately, too many of the people concerned and affected by what goes on in Parliament are without internet access, do not have high-speed connection or simply don’t know how to use it. I’m thinking about rural Guyana in particular, a good half of the country. This can explain why at any given time on Livestream, less than 500 people connect to view the proceedings.
Rebroadcasting is also a possibility which will benefit people who work and cannot tune in during regular working hours.
A survey conducted by the Commonwealth Broadcasting Association in partnership with UNESCO and the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association, asserted that while “parliamentary broadcasting is now very widespread in the Commonwealth”, the use of internet streaming has the advantage of being cheap but it is the outlet which presents the most limitations “if trying to reach mass populations in the developing world”. This is applicable to the case of Guyana.
Fortunately, the Government has planned to invest in the expansion of State media, which suggests that funds are not what is lacking in moving towards the national broadcasting of Parliamentary Sittings.
Anna Correia