Home Letters Time will be the deciding factor in President Granger’s tenure
Dear Editor,
I remember vividly the call from certain quarters of the print and electronic media that President Granger needs time and assistance to govern this nation. The call came against the backdrop that he was new to leadership in a governmental capacity, and should be given the patience and tolerance new leadership should be given.
They issued statements such as, “Mr Granger is new, he needs advice and assistance on the difficult task of governing a nation.” They further opined, “He is not accustomed to governance like the Experienced PPP/C, he needs time.”
Well we are going well on into three years of the Granger-led Administration, and only one part of that call or agreement is adhered to; that is: the patience and tolerant factor; and that comes from the part of the people of this country. The part that should be demanded of Mr Granger, and which remains unfulfilled, is his attitude towards good governance.
Mr Granger is not in the least interested in good governance, as we know and have grown accustomed to; he is all about good old party politics, which is a crass revelation of bullyism. As soon as the administration came into power — three months to be exact – members’ salaries and emoluments were raised to a fever pitch 50%, which tells you from the very start that they were in the business of helping themselves to heaven financially. Quite interesting for a man who needs advice an experience in governance, when your personal position, your own personal finances, comes first and very little care, if any, is taken for the people who put them in office. It tells you where we are really headed.
Even more disheartening is the fact that his next move was to dismiss thousands of workers all across this country, supposedly that they were affiliates of the political Opposition, promptly filling those positions with his own party hacks. Those dismissed workers are all poor, simple Guyanese who, like everyone else, were just going about their jobs, eking out an existence. However, The Granger Administration thought otherwise.
Further to our horrible existence is the fact that this PNC-led Government has closed four sugar estates, leaving nearly 7,000 workers in the abyss of no work and no earning whatsoever. They are utterly devastated! Even his own political partner, the AFC, who was intrinsically important in them gaining office, recent developments have revealed that he is not interested in a revision of the Cummingsburg Accord. This is a startling revelation, to say the least!
What is crystal clear is that Mr Granger is all about going it alone. Partisan party politics is what he is all about. This has “bullyism” written all over it. I do not know if his military training, where the notion of “do as you are told and ask no questions” is his mantra; from all indications, it seems to be his. This will not work, period! Even the statement where his apologists were contending that he needed advice has proven to be futile, because there is a wealth of advice, experience and information in this country where he could have drawn from before he closed those estates. Even his own CoI into the sugar operations advised him not to close the sugar estates, he completely shunned and single-handedly went ahead and did it anyway.
His is not a situation where he wants advice, because advice is right there at your fingertips. Okay, use it! But that is not his style of governance, he is a “Burnhamite Dictator” who is going to bully his way over this country. Well, let us see how far that would take him.
Neil Adams