Home Letters Tint is a mere grain of sand on the beach of issues...
Dear Editor,
Recently, the Commander of Division 3, Senior Superintendent Errol Watts, was on the airwaves, outlining his division’s stance on tinted vehicles. He also stated that he does not have a tinted vehicle (personal car), neither is his command/staff car tinted.
Whether or not these were true statements, especially since there were some attempts to address that, is not my concern. My concern is that tinting your vehicle may be a traffic violation, but it never was nor ever was the means through which crimes are/were being committed.
In fact, in recent times, most of the videos of robberies being paraded on social media are being committed by motor and pedal cyclists.
With that being said, tint is a mere grain of sand on the beach of issues in Division 3. The Commander has more important issues which require his attention, while leaving traffic violations to the Traffic Chief.
Personal crime has been on the constant increase along the West Bank and West Coast of Demerara. As recent as 2021-05-31, in the wee hours of Sunday morning, while some were taking their second turn in bed, a businessman and his family were being beaten and otherwise traumatised in their own home in La Parfaite Harmonie.
In April 2021, a speedboat operator was relieved of his jewellery while dining at a popular restaurant in Pouderoyen.
Also, in February 2021, a Minimart in La Parfaite Harmonie was robbed by 2 unidentifiable bandits.
Mr. Editor, these are just a few of those cases which were reported. There are many other cases, both reported and unreported, which were not recorded for the social media platform or featured by any of the news agencies.
As if crime is not enough to be worried about, in Goed Fortuin, there is a major business establishment which is located at a junction where a minor road meets the main West Bank public road. This business allows its customers to park, obstructing the view of motorists trying to emerge from the minor street onto the public road. Many accidents and near misses have occurred there over the life of this business. What’s worse…members of the Police Force go there to do business as well, leaving their vehicles in the same dangerous positions. Further, the ranks investigating the accidents at that corner completely ignore the root cause of those accidents, although the causes are looking them squarely in their faces.
So, Editor, tint is a mere grain of sand on the beach of issues in Division 3.
disgusted resident
of Region 3