Home Features Tips on staying healthy and fit during COVID-19 pandemic
Dr Tariq Jagnarine, MD, MMED Fam Med, CCFP
As new COVID-19 cases continue to emerge around the world, many individuals are encouraged to stay at home and to avoid large crowds and if they must go out for essentials, practise social distancing. In some countries, like Guyana, gyms, parks, and recreational sports centres remain temporarily closed. Staying at home for prolonged periods can pose a significant challenge when it comes to staying physically active. Sedentary behaviour and low levels of physical activity can have negative effects on the health, emotional well-being, and quality of life of individuals. Social isolation can also cause additional stress and challenges to the mental health of citizens. Physical activity and relaxation techniques can be valuable tools to help us remain calm so that we can continue to protect our health during this time.
The World Health Organisation (WHO) recommends 150 minutes of moderate-intensity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity physical activity per week, or a combination of both. These recommendations can still be achieved even at home, with no special equipment and with limited space.
Here are some suggestions to help us to remain active, healthy, fit and less bored at home.
With most of our daily movements restricted during the coronavirus pandemic, it can be difficult to keep up an exercise routine. Yet, there is a direct relationship between our diet, physical activity, and health.
Lifestyle factors may also determine if some can get sick or remain healthy. One of those factors is physical activity. A sedentary lifestyle is usually associated with an increased risk for chronic disease, loss of movement, and decreased immune health. For those reasons, physical activity and movement are extremely important during the coronavirus pandemic.
Can exercise help protect you from coronavirus?
While being fit will not prevent you from catching the virus, it does have many other protective effects. Physically active individuals usually live longer than those who are inactive or may have a risk of heart disease. Inactivity is an important risk factor similar to high blood pressure, smoking, or high cholesterol.
These are some benefits of exercise:
• Stress and anxiety relief: Stress and anxiety are rising with the current pandemic, and it can lower your immune response. Exercising releases chemicals in your brain, such as serotonin and endorphins that can help improve your mood, reduce the risk of depression and cognitive decline, and delay the onset of dementia.
• Immune support: Regular exercise helps support the functions of the immune system.
• Weight management: Exercise along with a balanced nutritious diet helps with weight management. Excess weight is associated with higher health risks.
• Reduces health risks and prevents diseases: Regular physical activities helps to reduces blood pressure as well as risks of serious health issues such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and stroke especially when combined with a balanced and nutritious diet.
• Bone, muscles, balance, and flexibility: Physical activity also improves bone and muscle strength, and increases balance and flexibility. This is important for everyone, especially older adults because it can prevent falls and injuries. As for children, it aids with growth and development and sets healthy habits for the future.
• For children, being active can lessen behavioural issues such as Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) and help with concentration during schoolwork, which is important now that they are at home all the time.
Dancing is an excellent way to protect the heart and maintain fitness as it can reach moderate and vigorous intensity and can even imitate high-intensity interval training. Dancing also has established mental health benefits to help us cope with the coronavirus-imposed solitude.
Amid the COVID-19 lockdown, many of us do end up overindulging in junk food. That is where mindful eating can help. Nutrition is a key player when it comes to physical, mental, and social well-being. Moreover, it is important for preventing disease.
When at home, there is a tendency of indulging in comfort treats like chocolates, chips and ice creams, all of which add up to those extra kilos. A sedentary lifestyle simply compounds this problem. Hence, it is vital to be mindful about what we are eating. To satiate sugar cravings, have a fruit or a date. For snacks, use grains or corn, or healthier options that has less sugar and more proteins and fibre.
Avoid snacking on potatoes and salted chips. Include pulses, eggs and meats in your diet. Ensure you are getting your nutrition from all food groups, and avoid cutting out any food group to lose weight. Proteins and fibre-rich foods are essential as they help you feel satiated and this ensures that you do not overeat.
Apart from work and daily chores, make time for entertainment. It will help you unwind. Watch a movie or a show together with your family while self-isolating or catch up via video chats with your friends and loved ones. The important part is to stay connected with the ones you love, as that is also key to your and their mental health and well-being.
Maintaining a proper sleep cycle should be a top priority during this period. A good night of sleep will help our bodies repair its cells, clear toxins, consolidate our memories, and process information. Sleep deprivation can have major health impacts such as negatively affecting our psychological health and emotional intelligence. For most people, six to nine hours of sleep per night is enough. During the lockdown, remember to maintain a proper sleep pattern and wake up at a proper time. This will help in maintaining a normal routine throughout the day. Further, limiting the electronic screen time before going to sleep can also help.
Social distancing is a good opportunity to bond more with the little two and four legged members of our family through active play. Both children and dogs will love you replacing some of your online media and sitting time with playing in and around the house with them.
Sunbathing could improve our immune system. Sunlight is the main source of natural vitamin D, and helps improve the production of vitamin D in the human body. Vitamin D has an immunomodulator effect that can improve the body’s immune system. Hence, a lack of vitamin D can inhibit growth and lead to vulnerability against viruses and bacteria.
It is recommended to get around 10 to 15 minutes of sun, when your shadow is shorter than your actual height, anytime between 10 a.m. and 3 a.m. Do not do it earlier because the sun exposure will not be sufficient.
Being at home for weeks for many could indeed be boring and frustrating. Getting rid of boredom does require some level of creativity. Some try to get rid of boredom by doing a lot of cooking and this is excellent since the whole family is at home during this time. Some prefer to play fun games or record videos to be uploaded on social media while others offer online tutorials on various subjects. Play family games, read a novel, create small building or garden project are all things you can do to stay active