To be or not to be…



Now we’re done celebrating our Independence from Great Britain (Yep! That’s what it was called back then!) your Eyewitness is revelling in the irony of Britain (to which was soon reduced) probably becoming further diminished to “England” in the wake of its “Brexit”. The pundits pontificate…since 62% of Scotland voted to “Remain” they might very well vote to “leave” Britain and remain in Europe.

Why’d they want to “remain” and be dominated by England as they’ve been since 1601?? Over in Northern Ireland, 56% voted to “leave” …but since they stand to lose the most with the “leave” decision, leaders have already called for a referendum to decide whether they should now unite with Ireland. It was interesting most Catholics in the North voted to “remain” and the Protestants voted the opposite.

Over in Wales, the numbers were about the same…almost evenly split. In the cold reappraisal of “the day after”, they realise they have more to lose than gain. The main reason for the “leave” vote – immigration for Eastern Europe – doesn’t affect Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland as much. The issue is then less emotional. So it does look like these parts of Britain will now choose to “leave”. The Rump Britain will be reduced to England. Ahhh…how low has the mighty fallen!

Now it’s not considered good form to kick a chap when he’s down. But the British never really practiced what they preached, did they? Even with those Scots, Welsh and Irish…they were asked to become “British” to do the dirty work in the colonies. Did you ever wonder why most of the Overseers on the sugar plantations were Irish and Scottish? They were always treated as second class. They had to drink in the “Clubs” on the Plantations where they lorded it over the natives, but never at the Georgetown Club with the chaps from England!! Tally Ho!!

The English had the same perspective on the rest of the Europeans and never ever called themselves by that moniker. Wot? England was England and Europe was Europe and never the twain shall meet!! We shouldn’t forget Britain didn’t JOIN the EU until 1973, more than a decade after efforts at unity had been in progress. And they never accepted the Euro as their currency.

So with them and Europe it was always a “hold me…loose me” relationship. Well they have two years to work out the terms of the divorce. France gave them a “hard card” when they finally sought to enter the EU.

This Eyewitness thinks Germany will extract its pound of flesh now it wants to leave!


Did you notice all the Caribbean leaders who weighed in on Brexit talked about the aid they’d received, were receiving or was supposed to receive from Britain and the EU? And this after half a century after all of us were given “Independence”! But that’s the point, isn’t it? We were “given” independence. Power, it is said, is never conceded without a struggle. And when it is… Look out! It’s not real power.

In the wake of the anniversary of Rodney’s murder, we were reminded he criticised the independence leaders for their “briefcase revolutions” which merely placed themselves into the shoes of the departed British. It was simply a variation of the British old gambit of “indirect rule” where they called the shots from behind the scenes. He was thrown out of Jamaica for pointing this out!

The British wouldn’t gamble with having men like Jagan or Rodney in office. These fellas had very firm ideas about real independence.

They didn’t intend for us to beg for our supper.


On this parking meter scandal…we stand in danger of throwing out the baby with the bathwater. Municipalities and NDCs SHOULD make their own decisions – not Central Government.

Where IS the Local Government Commission?