Dear Editor,
Over the last few weeks, there has been greater political and civic involvement by our young people. Youth have shared their views on a range of issues that they believe are very important for their upward mobility in Guyana, ranging from education delivery to political leaders and their perceived capabilities to lead our country.
We must commend the youth who have been bold enough to share their voices and participate in important national discussions that will continue to push our country further. This commentary by our young people is not exclusive to criticisms of the government’s policies, but also directed to the opposition.
According to the most recent publication of the Global Youth Development Index (YDI) released in 2023, only three countries in the Caribbean and Americas Commonwealth Region have done better than us in the area of Political and Civic Participation. This means that we have done well recently in letting our voices be heard in our political landscape.
But some things threaten this incredible standing amongst our Caribbean counterparts.
Despite this commendable move by our youth, there has been a very disturbing trend that this author has identified. It is my unwavering belief that we must not shy away from this matter, but address it head-on to safeguard the rights that our youth have to share their views on issues that they hold dearest to them.
We must therefore give it the name this despicable trend so aptly deserves – the deployment of a tactic that aims to relegate our youth into muteness.
It is shocking to see that virtually every time somebody young – especially those of African descent – shares a dissenting view of the opposition, those young people have to be subjected to the most distasteful, degrading, and disgusting insults.
Apart from the author’s own experience, it is of great moment to point out how the labels “slave catcher”, “house slave”, “sell out”, “brainwashed” and “pawn” are attached to the people who express their own views about the shortcomings of the opposition.
Why does it seem like the opposition is suggesting that original opinions cannot come from the youth if these opinions criticize them? How can a serious opposition castigate our young people in this way and then clamour for their votes in the upcoming election?
But what is even more incredibly shocking is the notion that almost every young black person who shares such a view has been “bought” or was at some point “up for sale”. The insinuation is also made that these young people are given some sort of reward for sharing a view as described above.
This is disappointing on many fronts. First of all, it shows the Opposition’s inherent disdain for Guyanese who exercise their liberty to freely associate and comment on the political events happening around them. It’s almost as if the moment you disagree with the opposition, rather than commencing a decent and informed debate, you are forced into an abyss of name-calling, with the label of a slave being thrown around loosely by the very people who many times claim to be upholding the rights and dignity of Afro-Guyanese.
Secondly, this position suggests that our youth have no integrity. That they are unable to form reasonable and informed conclusions without the prompting of a financial reward. Again, how do you accuse the youth of acquiescing to bribery, of having no integrity, insult them by calling them slaves, and then ask them to vote for you?
Finally, one must do a serious examination of the suggestion that somebody was purchased because they share a view that is not in alignment with a particular political philosophy.
Now, to say that I was bought indicates that I was first owned by a particular person or organization. It suggests that I was the property of someone else. This begs the very important question: To whom did I first belong?
Allow me to burst the proverbial bubble that still exists around the heads of those who proffer such a vacuous argument: this kind of postulation will not bring votes to the Opposition. It will only turn multitudes of young people away from them because our youth despise race-baiting and division, and are more inclined to embrace unity and informed arguments about national issues.
It is purely duplicitous to scream at the top of your lungs that our youth are the future whilst using every chance you are given to subject us to the ruthless mudslinging that has behind it no substance, no accuracy, or no legitimacy. If the opposition continues to subject us to this, can they still reasonably expect us to want to play an active role in regional and national leadership? Or are they actively trying to scare us away from the arena?
I understand, sincerely, the need for our political arena to be a very competitive one, given what’s at stake in our burgeoning oil and gas economy. But none of this necessitates plunging into the dungeon that our forefathers fought to get us out of. None of this necessitates the type of insults that are suited only for barbarians. It is about time we chart a different course. One that deconstructs issues, not individuals. One that removes problems, not ridicules people.
I long for a Guyana where race is not the subject of every debate. The best time to create that Guyana was yesterday – the next best time is now.
Yours sincerely,
Shaquawn Gill