At UN, Todd renews Guyana’s commitment to global peacebuilding efforts

Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Minister Hugh Todd has reiterated Guyana’s commitment to supporting efforts of the Peacebuilding Commission (PBC) of the United Nations (UN) to enhance global peacebuilding.
Minister Todd recently participated in the Ministerial Meeting of the Peacebuilding Commission of the UN, held on the sidelines of the 79th Session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) last week in New York, a post on his ministry’s social media page stated.
Minister Todd stated that Guyana sees the PBC as an essential bridging entity within the UN.
The ministerial-level meeting provided an opportunity for the whole UN membership to exchange views on their expectations and priorities regarding next year’s Peacebuilding Architecture Review (PBAR) process. Building on conclusions that may emerge from the Summit of the Future, the meeting should be able to offer high-level political guidance and create momentum as the review is prepared.
The minister further underscored that enhancing communication and coordination between the General Assembly; the Security Council; the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), and the secretariat would enable a unified approach to peacebuilding.

Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Minister Hugh Todd

Minister Todd also reaffirmed Guyana’s commitment to supporting efforts that enhance the PBC’s role and impact in global peacebuilding. The minister noted that strategic collaboration, innovative financing, the fostering of mutual learning, the development of indigenous peacebuilding capacities, and countering threats before they arise will promote a more effective, coordinated, and integrated approach to sustaining peace and security.
The primary aim of the PBAR is to thoroughly assess the Peacebuilding Commission’s current impact on peacebuilding across the world. The assessment seeks to determine the successes and shortcomings of these initiatives, particularly in how well they support national governments and local actors.
While in New York, the Guyanese foreign minister participated in a number of similar ministerial forums hosted on the sidelines of the UNGA.
He attended a ministerial meeting on the political and humanitarian situation in Venezuela convened by United States (US) Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Argentine Republic, Diana Mondino.
He also delivered a statement during the high-level meeting to Commemorate and Promote the International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear-Weapons, where he stated that Guyana remained committed to promoting and advancing the nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation agenda as a non-nuclear weapon state and as part of a nuclear weapon-free zone.
Minister Todd also attended the IV Meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Brasilia Consensus during which leaders evaluated the Roadmap for the Integration of South America that was approved by the Presidents of South America in October 2023 to give shape to a flexible South American dialogue in an effort to advance regional integration and promote cooperation.
The Guyanese foreign affairs minister also delivered remarks at the meeting of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) on the “maintenance of international peace and security: leadership for peace – united in respect of the UN Charter, in search of a secure future,” as well as the UNSC briefing on the maintenance of peace and security of Ukraine (Political and Security).
He also participated in a ministerial roundtable on strengthening multilateralism by upholding the UN Charter, where he called on member states to advance the cause of humanity in fulfilling their obligations to the Charter.
At the Meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), the Guyanese minister further urged the international community to work towards a lasting solution to the Palestinian conflict. He also attended the Alliance of Small States (AOSIS) Leaders’ Meeting on behalf of President Mohamed Irfaan Ali, during which the Declaration of the Heads of State and Government of AOSIS On Sea-Level Rise and Statehood was adopted.
In addition to these events, Minister Todd also held a series of bilateral engagements with a number of officials from countries around the world while in New York.
These included were with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Peru, Elmer Schialer. The two Ministers addressed the strengthening of the cooperation agenda and partnership between Guyana and Peru, both at the bilateral and multilateral levels. Emanating from those discussions is an anticipated political consultation between the two Foreign Ministries to advance a cooperation framework to promote collaboration.
Then Todd and the Minister of External Affairs of India, Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, during their meeting, reaffirmed their strong commitment to the continued strengthening of the bilateral cooperation agenda between Guyana and India. Minister Todd and Minister Jaishankar also addressed common multilateral areas of interest to further advance collaboration.
The Guyanese foreign affairs minister also met with the Secretary General of INTERPOL, Jurgen Stock, and they noted the longstanding partnership between Guyana and INTERPOL, and further discussed possible areas of cooperation on matters related to global security, law enforcement, and combating transnational crime.
Meanwhile, Minister Todd signed a Joint Communiqué with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia, Marko Đurić, establishing diplomatic relations between Guyana and Serbia.
The Foreign Ministers also engaged in a bilateral discussion on areas of mutual interest to initiate a cooperation agenda between the two countries, including food security and agriculture, Information and communications technology (ICT), and also training and capacity building.
Minister Đurić conveyed his government’s support to Guyana on the border controversy case with Venezuela currently before the International Court of Justice (ICJ).