Toothless… guard dog? 

Back in the day, as Burnham started out on his rigging regime, he controlled the Chairman of the Elections Commission – who was an ex-Chief Justice, even! – so tightly that Jagan called him a “toothless poodle”. Well, the ICJ just gave its verdict on the charge of genocide brought by South Africa against Israel for its actions against the Palestinians in Gaza, where over 27,000 persons, mostly civilians, have been killed in what amounts to shooting fish in a tank! South Africa had documented specific acts of genocide that satisfied the UN definition of the term – “acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group” – but the Court refused to even say that genocide had been committed!!
All it said was Israel SHOULD not commit acts of genocide, and should report back in a month’s time as to what it has done towards that end!! And imagine, even THIS was seen as a “victory” by South Africa!! It just goes to show how powerful Israel’s friends are, causing SA to have such low expectations!!
But the biggest takeaway for us in Guyana is to note that even if the ICJ HAD ruled that genocide was taking place, it had no mechanism for enforcing its decision to stop it!! Technically, it can refer the matter to the UN Security Council for action to be taken, but we know state bullies have a friend with their veto power there!! So, what we have is a guard dog that’s supposed to protect the weaker states against the stronger, predatory states, but it has no teeth!!
So, Israel’s gonna return in a month with a straight face and claim – as it’s done every day since October 8 – that it’s merely “protecting” itself from attacks by those nasty and dastardly Hamas terrorists!! Never mind that most of those killed are women and children, and all the hospitals have been obliterated, so that doctors have to amputate etc – without any anaesthesia!! If using more bombs than were used in WWII in a 140-square- mile area with over 2 million people isn’t genocide, what is?? Only sending them to gas chambers qualify??
Anyhow, back to us in dear Mudland. We have consistently maintained that the determination of the Venezuelan controversy and bullyism over our Essequibo lies with the same ICJ. So, as expected, if at the very best the ICJ rules in our favour, what then?? Mad Maduro’s counting on this lack of an enforcing mechanism to prevent the annexation of our Essequibo – which will catapult him as one of the heroes of the Venezuelan pantheon, on par with Simon Bolivar!!
If matters go to the UNSC, Venezuela’s buddy, Russia, has its veto waiting!!

Some folks are fit to be tied over the award conferred on Pres Ali in the motherland of Ghana!! And understandably so!! The one card they had left to play against the PPP juggernaut in 2025 was the one they’ve been using since 2020 – race! And now it’s been trumped!! How do you claim the PPP’s anti-African when the REAL Africans have decided Pressie’s deserving of a medal!! And let’s not forget that when folks from places like Guyana claim they’re AFRICAN, the folks from the continent snicker ever so surreptitiously!!
They know they’d sold us down the river and across the Atlantic as slaves – and because their forms of slavery were much more humane that the chattel-slavery of the New World, they do look at us a bit askance!! Remember how they always pointed out that Obama’s dad wasn’t a slave descendant?? Anyhow, your Eyewitness expects that, with the award, Pressie might be made an honorary member of an African Tribe.
Just watch him flaunt this on the hustings!! Wakanda!!

Your Eyewitness is still waiting for some enlightenment about the agenda that was crafted for the next meeting between Pressie and Mad Maduro. Perchance they’ve decided they’ll break bread together?? Gonna need those official tasters!!