Top Cop promises transparency in fatal shooting of corporal, fisherman

Police Commissioner (acting), Clifton Hicken has promised full transparency in investigating the fatal shooting on New Year’s morning, whereby 31-year-old Detective Corporal Dwayne McPherson and 20-year-old fisherman Kishan Budburgh both lost their lives.
The shooting incident occurred at around 00:30h at Huntley Mahaicony, East Coast Demerara.

Police Commissioner Clifton Hicken speaking with the mother of the deceased fisherman, Kishan Budburgh

The Top Cop along with senior officials of the Guyana Police Force engaged both families following the incident, who were engulfed in grief.
During his interaction with the mother of Budburgh, Beverley Dundas, he expressed his condolences and assured her that a comprehensive investigation is currently underway.
“I am transparent, and I want to be transparent with you, and whatever happens will be revealed at a later stage, and whichever direction the DPP (Director of Public Prosecution) advises, so shall it be,” said Commissioner Hicken during his visit to the Mahaicony Police Station.
Hicken told the grieving woman that he will visit her at a later date to avoid any interruption to the current investigation.
Accompanying Commissioner Hicken were Assistant Commissioner and Commander of Regional Division Five, Kurleigh Simon; Head of the Office of Professional Responsibility Elston Baird and several other ranks.
Within the course of Sunday, the Police Commissioner also expressed condolences to Corporal McPherson’s mother, his pregnant wife, four-year-old child and other family members at their Parfaith Harmonie home on the West Bank of Demerara.
Commissioner Hicken assured the family that a comprehensive probe is currently ongoing in relation to the circumstances surrounding the fatal shooting of Detective Corporal McPherson, who was stationed at Mahaicony Police Station.
Accompanying Commissioner Hicken during his visit to McPherson’s family were Assistant Commissioner and Commander of Regional Division Three, Mahendra Siwnarine; Superintendent Allison Moore; Head of the Force’s Communications Department; Mark Ramotar; Superintendent Kevin Das, along with several other ranks.
The Guyana Police Force will take care of all the funeral expenses, and counselling support for the family. Additionally, Commissioner Hicken assured Corporal McPherson’s wife that additional support will be given to the family by the Force’s Community Relations Department, including the educational needs for their four-year-old child. (G12)