Chairman of the National Toshaos Council (NTC) Joel Fredericks has called on the Government to increase the budget of the Council so that they will be in a better position to fulfil their mandate to Indigenous peoples.

Fredericks stated that the Council has been receiving a subvention but it is insuffiecient. “It is not enough to fulfil our mandate so we would like to see an increase in our budget so that we can function effectively,” he said.
He added that it is the Council’s desire to support the Indigenous Peoples’ Affairs Minister by collaborating to address indigenous issues, but “if we are financially strapped, how can we move forward”.
He said the Council has recognised that if they are to move forward, they would need financial support.
Nevertheless, Indigenous Peoples’ Affairs Minister Sydney Allicock stated that the Ministry has allowed the Council the opportunity to manage their affairs, and mandated in the Act, to provide a plan of action for the reduction of poverty and the improvement of access to education in Indigenous communities.
However, he stated that there is a need for Indigenous people to move away from being completely dependent on the Government and “work hard and sweat” for what they want. He said that the people need to initiate ideas instead of decrying the least thing.
In accordance with the Amerindian Act, 2006, the National Toshaos Council was established as a corporate body comprising of all Toshaos in the country.
The functions of the Council are to promote good governance in villages including, investigating matters as requested by a village and making recommendations, provided that the NTC may not investigate any matter which has been referred to the Minister and must ensure that any person involved in the investigation is given a reasonable opportunity to be heard and to prepare strategies and plans for the protection, conservation and sustainable management of village lands and natural resources.
The Council is also mandated to provide advice to the Minister on the protection of Amerindian culture and heritage, including the identification and designation of Amerindian monuments and the impact of legislation or policy on villages and any changes that should be made to such legislation or policy.