Traffic hazard at Herstelling

…residents complain about containers parked on roadway

A number of containers parked on the roadway at Herstelling, East Bank Demerara have raised concerns from residents who are fearful of the dangers currently being posed to drivers.

One of the containers that are parked on the street

The containers, 20 feet in length, take up almost half the roadway at the entrance of Rum Shop Street, and have captured the attention of many within the neighbourhood, who opine that the containers are unlawfully positioned and are obstructing the free flow of traffic.
One of the affected persons, Samuel (only name given), contacted this publication to detail the numerous instances when vehicles almost collided with the containers. He said the situation gets even more difficult at night, when many persons become unaware of the presence of the containers.
“It used to be plenty, but now they had like two or three for the past week, and we can’t get out at the road sometimes, especially when they coming in,” the man explained.
He noted that the containers are parked on the roadway which allows for one lane of motor vehicles to pass. As such, this creates a major traffic hazard in the morning hours.
“Now, in the morning, when you going to work, you have to pass this. That means that you have to wait till somebody pass, and then you could drive. Sometimes I’m waiting for 15 minutes,” he said.
The man said many businesses are present in the area, and the containers may be owned by one of them.