Dear Editor,
In less than 24 hours of your publication of my letter regarding misleading traffic signs at the junction of Thomas Street and the parallel roads of Stanley Place and Vlissengen Road, the one-way arrow sign was completely removed.
I am assuming that the arrow sign was removed by those authorised to do so. I do not know whether to fully compliment the expeditious action or become further perplexed. The arrow sign itself was not a problem. It was the direction in which the arrow pointed: the procession of traffic that was being contended.
I believe it would have been more logical to change the sign’s direction as against removing it completely.
With respect to the stop signs on the bridge connecting Vlissengen Road and Thomas Street, I am advised that they are necessary for traffic exiting Stanley Place onto Vlissengen Road, and not suggestive that Thomas Street is open for west-bound traffic.
Yours faithfully,
Orette Cutting