Tree uprooted by heavy winds kills miner

A miner was on Monday killed while two others were injured by a falling free at Sandhill Backdam, Cuyuni River, Region Seven (Cuyuni-Mazaruni). Dead is Olrick Matthews, a miner of Port Kaituma, North West District (NWD).
The injured men are 40-year-old Bryan Richard, a miner of Pomeroon River, Region Two (Pomeroon-Supenaam) and Edwin Garraway, 49, of Diamond Housing Scheme, East Bank Demerara (EBD).
Based on reports received, on the day in question at about 12:45h, the three miners were working when the heavy rainfalls topped with high winds caused the tree to uproot and fall into the mining pit.
As a result, the tree hit the three miners. The other workers who were close by ran to their assistance. After a short time, Matthews was pulled from under the tree in a motionless state.
The Police were contacted and the body was escorted to Bartica Regional Hospital mortuary awaiting a post-mortem.
On the other hand, Garraway received a fractured left hand while Richard received lacerations to his forehead. Both are presently seeking medical attention at the Bartica Regional Hospital.
In a similar incident, three houses were destroyed by heavy winds and heavy downpours on Sunday leaving at least 15 persons homeless at Laing Avenue, Georgetown. The families are seeking the public’s assistance in rebuilding.