Trial rules test run set for JJTRC race day at Bush Lot
…”Junior” excited to test new all-weather surface
Strict enforcement of proper racing protocol will be employed from the next race day, April 30, 2023 at Bush Lot Turf Club (BLTC), Bush Lot on the first-ever all-weather surface in the country.
Jumbo Jet Thoroughbred Racing Committee (JJTRC) spokesperson Nasrudeen “Junior” Mohamed outlined, “This surface will be tested, and if successful will transform racing in Guyana. We will be enforcing the new plans agreed amongst the promotion bodies, on a trial basis. This is another first for BLTC.”
Nasrudeen “Junior” Mohamed
Mohamed warned. “Those who believe they could be errant and get off doing the wrong things will be in for a very big surprise. We are calling on all horsemen in advance to cooperate with us, and adhere to the proper racing protocols. Everyone will be a winner at the end of the day’s proceedings. If they fail to respect the code of conduct, they will be ejected from the track.”
“We have to exemplify our product, so that Government can be satisfied we are serious about getting the sport regulated. … respect of proper racing procedures will be enforced. This is not a social club. Our goal is to raise it to international level. This cannot happen overnight. We have short- and medium-term plans with time frames to achieve these goals,” Mohamed expressed.
He appealed to horsemen to be early, saying “be early so that we could brief everyone before the start of the day’s proceedings to achieve changes moving forward.”
The proposed interim rules below will be on a trial basis:
1. NO spectators, trainers, or owners allowed on the track while races are running, only officials
2. ALL horses entered to race will have to pass a veterinary inspection before they are allowed to race. Any horse failing the veterinary inspection will be placed on a Vet List, and will need to come off the Vet List before making entry for their next race.
3. ONLY trainers, grooms, and owners of the horses in the race will be allowed in the Parade Ring when the saddling of horses begins.
4. ALL Jockeys must be at the track ONE (1) hour before the post time of the FIRST RACE. Jockeys reaching late will not be allowed to ride, unless they have a valid reason.
5. ANY horse/s, should the horse/s reach late for the race they are entered in could be subject to being scratched from the race, unless they have a valid excuse.
6. ANY rider found using his whip excessively, or striking another horse in the race with his/her whip will be suspended, and fined.
7. PASSES will be given to jockeys, owners, trainers and grooms to gain entry to the RESTRICTED areas – Parade Ring, Jockey Room, stable area.