Tribute to Guyanese Pandit Misir who led Hindu Americans

Dear Editor,
It is with profound sadness and grief I learn of the passing of Pandit Rishi B Misir who served as the Dharmacharya (spiritual head) of the Hindu Federation of Mandirs in America and the USA Pandits Parishad, bodies comprising of Indo-Caribbean Hindu leaders.
He served as the spiritual head or guru of both organisations for almost two decades. He is well versed in the Hindu scriptures and pandits usually sought his guidance and interpretation of the scriptures. He was well versed in Hindi. At the Parishad and Federation, he provided respected leadership and great impetus to serving the Indo-Caribbean Hindu communities dispersed around the New York metro area. He guided the annual Phagwah parade and supported the annual Diwali motor cade. He also was among the founders of the annual Ramayana in the Park.
Pandit Misir is a Berbician who migrated to the US during the 1970s and became immersed in panditai activities. He comes from a family of pandits including his father, brothers, and nephews. He was a great exemplar of righteousness and a good, moral life. He made a significant and lasting contribution to the Guyanese diaspora in America in the field of faith. He was also at every function of visiting Presidents from Guyana as well as of former PM of Trinidad Kamla Persad-Bissessar. He met with President Ali last year September during his visit for the UN Assembly.
Pandit Rishi has been ailing for the last year. He was 82. He will forever be remembered for his personal courage, his love of people, and his Hindu qualities.
Pandit Rishi dedicated his time, talents, and interests to the work of Bhagwan (Lord). He has been a sterling example of kindness, generosity, and love for his fellowmen as well as animals. He worked with the city Government for several decades and retired just over a year ago.
As the USA Arya Samaj Balram Rambrich said, “Pt. Rishi was a simple, straightforward, humble, pious man”. He was a strong no-nonsense leader of the Parishad and Federation. Pandit Rishi and I interacted a few times over the phone and in person. He was always praiseworthy of my commitment to community work and volunteerism and my political activism especially as relates to Guyana and the diaspora in America; activism that dates back to the 1970s in the struggle against the dictatorship. His love of God and country touched those of us who know him.
He did not get involved in political events or squabbles about politics in Guyana or in New York and America. He did not take public sides. But he was concerned about the lack of democracy in Guyana post 1966 thru 1992 and again post no-confidence vote in December 2018 to August 2, 2020. Although he did not get involved in political struggles, he quietly supported and saluted those of us who were involved in the struggle against authoritarianism in Guyana and the attempt to steal the government in March thru July 2020.
Glowing tributes were paid to Pandit Rishi from heads of organisations in the US. The wake on Wednesday night attracted hundreds including countless religious figures of the Guyanese and Trinidadian diasporas. As they said, they have lost a dear friend.
As Pandit Hardowar of Surya Mandir said, Dharmacharya Rishi Misir was a great Guyanese and Hindu leader in America, deeply beloved by thousands, who he will be greatly missed by the Federation of Hindu Mandirs and the USA Pandits parishad and by Hindus in America. “Dharmacharya Rishi ji encouraged, lifted, and inspired many chelas (followers) as demonstrated by word and example the path to godliness and spirituality”.
May the Lord bless and keep ever alive the memory of his devoted life of faith and service to others. We pray that his family and Hindus and all affected by his passing will be consoled with the knowledge that he lived a very good life and that in his death his soul now goes to heaven with dharmic reward.

Yours faithfully,
Vishnu Bisram