Trinidadian fraudster charged again

A Trinidadian who is currently on remand on charges of fraud that occurred at two city hotels a few months ago, on Friday made another appearance at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts for another charge of fraud at another city hotel.

Anthony Nestor, 28, pleaded guilty with explanation to the charge which stated that between September 2 and 17 at Eldorado Inn at Thomas and Quamina Streets, Georgetown, he incurred a debt of $135,000 by means of staying at the hotel and refusing to pay.

Police prosecutor Kevin London told the court that the virtual complainant was reading a local newspaper when he spotted an article about the defendant defrauding hotels. As such, he made a report to the Police Station and investigations were launched. Nestor was subsequently charged with the present offence.

London informed the court that the defendant sought accommodation at the Eldorado Inn by stating that he had lost his baggage on a Caribbean Airlines flight. He was granted permission to stay without paying until he retrieved his luggage. However, that was not the case.

The unrepresented man told the court that he lost his baggage and was unable to pay, however he is now able to pay immediately through his spouse.

He handed over the money to a representative of the hotel in court but was $5000 short. He promised to pay the balance by Monday.

Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan made it known to the defendant that failure to pay the remaining monies will incur a four-month sentence.

In addition he was placed on a 12 months bond to keep the peace.

Meanwhile, Nestor remains on remand for the previous charges which stated that between April 1 and 15, 2016, at Brandsville, he incurred a debt of $206,804 and at Opus Hotel, between April 15 and 18, by falsely pretending he had a valid credit card, obtained $66,000 in credit.

According to Trinidadian newspapers Nester has been charged several times for fraud-related charges.