Tropical storm warning issued for Guyana

The Agriculture Ministry’s Hydrometeorological Department has reported that Tropical Storm Gonzalo is expected to create over northern Guyana conditions that may result in thundershowers over the weekend.

Current and forecasted area where the centre of TS Gonzalo would most likely be in the next 5 days (blue shaded area). The black line shows the most likely trajectory. Please note the size of the cone does not indicate the size of the system (Source

The Department of Public Information reported that the Hydromet Department has stated that the National Hurricane Centre first reported the system as a tropical depression, but subsequently upgraded same to a tropical storm on July 22, 2020.
It is located approximately one thousand six hundred and fifty kilometres (1650km) to the east-north-east of Georgetown, and is moving in a westerly direction.
Meteorological models indicate that the eye of the storm may be positioned to the north of Guyana in the Atlantic Ocean as a hurricane between 20:00h on July 24 and 08:00h on July 25.
The storm is not expected to directly impact Guyana, unless the system changes its trajectory and begins to travel towards the south-west.
The Hydromet Department has assured that as soon as the extent of the thunderstorms and locations can be determined, the public would be informed.
The Hydromet Department has said it would continue to monitor the situation, and has assured that updates will be provided as the need arises.