Troy Doris made history for Guyana

Dear Editor,
It was the last man standing for Guyana that just became king at the Australian Commonwealth Games 2018, and here I make reference to Mr Troy Doris, Gold Medalist. I believe he also just made history for Guyana.
On a forum with the GOA President, Mr Kalam. A. Juman-Yassin, via social media a few days ago, I penned a comment that I expected Troy Doris and Winston George to make the finals of their respective event, because they are way too experienced not to make it happen.
Unfortunately, Winston George’s timings in the semifinals did not allow him to make the finals, so it was now left for the last man standing (Troy Doris) to live up to expectations. And lo and behold, he earned the gold medal in the triple jump, and that sealed it for me. He saved the day for the entire Team Guyana.
Editor, all can attest to the fact that I have also penned commentaries in the respective dailies in the past, saying that Troy Doris is the only athlete currently on the international circuit who can actually make the podium anytime soon. I was not wrong, was I?
Troy Doris, you have just broken the ice, and the one thing I would like to share with you is that you have to be mentally focused for the bigger games which await you, especially the 2020 Olympic Games.
What to expect from Guyana as a rewarding gift to Troy Doris? Absolutely nothing to talk about. What did Guyana award Gold Medalist Aliann Pompey for her accomplishment with her win in the women’s 400m at the 2002 Commonwealth Games?
Perhaps for their respect years of wins, the Government can consider two independent postage stamps with both Troy Doris and Aliann Pompey showcasing their gold medals.
I would not mind the honour of taking the photos of them both free of charge.
Loud applause go out to the other athletes of Team Guyana for their efforts. And I say: keeping pushing the button and, who knows, Guyana can shine brighter at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games.

Yours faithfully,
T. Pemberton