Trump’s triumph…


…and the establishment’s worst nightmare

Well, the other foot’s dropped and Donald Trump will now be the next President of the USA!! Most of the “smart money” picked Hillary Clinton…and we know where “smart flies and money” end up!! Your Eyewitness is frankly surprised there’s so much surprise about Trump’s victory. And this is not just 20/20 hindsight talking.

Your Eyewitness has stated before that with the seismic shift in global power distribution, the US and the EU will have to readjust to the new realities. To wit that…since economics always trumps (pun intended), the US-funded China as the “factory of the world” inevitably caused the shrinking of the US manufacturing base. And shrinking of US power as happened to Britain after WWII. That’s progress, baby.

But don’t tell that to all the American blue-collars who lost their jobs!! They’re mad as hell and not about to listen to folks like Hillary Clinton who want to negotiate even larger trading blocs. Trump, on the other hand, keeps it simple – he’ll just abrogate all those trade deals and bring back manufacturing to the US and happy days will be back again!!

Now, of course, that’s very simplistic – but the ordinary Joe and Josephine don’t care. All they know is they’re in pain and when someone tells them he’ll cure their ailment – hey! let’s give him a shot. The reality, of course, is much more complicated. The profits from all the investment in China doesn’t all stay in China – in fact, most of it flows back into pockets like the owners of Wal Mart and Apple.

But that’s the 1% top stratum …which traditionally were in the Republican camp. And it’s why Trump didn’t exactly endear himself with the Republican powers-that-be. You thought it was because of his crude and boorish behaviour? Jeez! Trump’s behaviour is par for the course at those posh country clubs the Republican elite frequent.

So Trump’s victory is a victory for the red neck and “poor white” base of America who fear they’ll lose bragging rights about “America’s place” in the world. The other side of the coin of victory for Trump was Trump’s unequivocal articulation of the racism that resides deep in the collective American psyche. Don’t forget the Constitution that’s held as a beacon to freedom for the world insisted that African-Americans are only 3/4 the worth of White Americans. But the “politically correct” posture of the Democrats silenced that streak…especially in the liberal media.

Now expect the drums of hate and bigotry against Africans, Muslims, and all non-whites to beat publicly and loudly.

…and the “establishment” reaction

In addition to riling the status quo in the Republican Party, Trump has the drawers of the old elite that had run the US from the Eastern Seaboard since the 1776 Revolution, in a real knot.

David Remnick, Editor of the “New Yorker” magazine representing “establishment” sentiments, had this to say: “The election of Donald Trump to the Presidency is nothing less than a tragedy for the American republic, a tragedy for the Constitution, and a triumph for the forces, at home and abroad, of nativism, authoritarianism, misogyny, and racism. Trump’s shocking victory, his ascension to the Presidency, is a sickening event in the history of the United States and liberal democracy. On January 20, 2017, we will bid farewell to the first African-American President – a man of integrity, dignity, and generous spirit –and witness the inauguration of a con who did little to spurn endorsement by forces of xenophobia and white supremacy.

It is impossible to react to this moment with anything less than revulsion and profound anxiety.”

…and Guyana

Everyone who thinks that US policy towards Guyana will change…has a valid concern…Your Eyewitness doesn’t see those visas flowing when the anti-immigrant hysteria will be rising from a crescendo to a primal scream.