Twice bitten by the PNC, thrice shy by the people

Dear Editor,
Perhaps one of the most beautiful and famous actresses to hit the screen was the talented British doyenne Elizabeth Taylor. She once asked, “How can money be the root of all evil when shopping is the cure for all sadness?”
Donald Trump manoeuvred many business deals and manipulated many lending institutions to create a financial fiasco to fund his overrated wealth. The 78-year -old is the first former President in US history to be criminally convicted, having been found guilty of falsifying business records. He is the Republican presidential candidate for the November 2024 US election.
His wife Melania Trump loves to shop; she was a former model. Melania’s preference, “Buying out-of- pocket, high-priced, often foreign-designed-and-assembled garments”, was at direct odds with Donald Trump and his slogan “America First”, and the whiter subset of the working class.
Mr Conflict of Interest was busy wheeling and dealing with Exxon while Mrs Conflict of Interest was intricately ministering the procurement of stocks as a prioritized supplier! But it was all business as usual because, for the PNC, business was business during the feted 2015-2020 political farce!
Trump was again caught with his pants down, a similar and sorrowful sight so sought after in Guyana by some sinister surrogates of Burnham. “You can’t walk across the street to get a loaf of bread. You get shot, you get mugged, you get raped,” former President Donald Trump said recently at a campaign event north of Detroit. It was another of his thousands of lies.
“That’s simply not true,” Detroit Police Chief James White has said. “I invite him to walk the streets of Detroit, and I’d be more than happy to do that with him and show him how Detroit is performing.”
NBC News recently spent a day with Detroit Police, who say Trump’s characterization is false.
The former PNC administration claimed that their party won the 2020 election. They were celebrating and spreading false rumours even before all the ballots were completely counted. They attempted to rig the results when reality dawned on them. They forged, fabricated and formulated fictitious numbers to force a win.
The international community witnessed the PNC’s feeble fusillades as that party masqueraded with a dirty bedsheet to solemnize their legacy of election rigging. A Commission of Inquiry later revealed all of their lies and deceits. As the court drags its feet on the election case, Guyana is slowly waking up to realize that the Judiciary is indeed blindfolded.
“Donald Trump says he wants to kill the Affordable Care Act. He doesn’t care what that would mean for families like mine.” Thus spoke a struggling American woman who has to fight to put bread on the table for her family.
It was the very PNC Government, during their last administration, who opted to kill the “Because We Care” cash grant for the children of Guyana. Instead of continuing the programme or increasing the amount, they took away the money, which the peeved parents were depending upon to assist in taking care of their children so that they could attend school. Where was the heart of the PNC? So much for their interest in making the small man a real man.
It has been reported in the news that Tina Hinchley, a Wisconsin dairy farmer, said of Trump that he “only cares about himself.”
The said statement reflects the audacious greed of the PNC. It was the PNC in the 70s who bragged to the nation, “Through your hard work and efforts, we shall build a just society for all.” Yet, when they took over governance in 2015, the very first thing the Granger administration did was to give themselves over 50% raise in salaries. The ordinary Guyanese people were sidelined, as they had to watch and gape as the PNC once again flounced their power and priority. Only their privileged comrades were protected to enjoy “the good life.”
The disease of Burnham’s reverse Midas touch was unavoidably transmitted to his successors. Having run the country into financial bankruptcy both times during their reign, the PNC will again repeat this inherited folly, should they be allowed to run the country. Buyer beware. Twice bitten, thrice shy.

Yours respectfully,
Jai Lall