Dear Editor
First the motor vehicle accident claimed the life of the bridegroom, leaving his young bride nursing injuries, then the freak workplace accident took the life of an employee of one of the famous hardware stores. There were two heartbreaking accidents in one week!
From accounts regarding the collapsed rack, a company official indicated that the rack was a wooden structure “which stored light goods on top”. Just what these “light goods” were, and how light were the goods, I suppose will come out in the investigation.
It was also reported that the now deceased employee was retrieving items from a storage cabinet positioned underneath the rack when disaster struck. Does it have to be wondered whether placing the storage cabinet under the rack was a safety folly? Further, was the structure of the rack compromised or weakened in any way which went undetected?
Young lives are lost, and heartbreak ensues. Sincerest condolences to the grieving families, and wishes for a full and speedy recovery for all those injured and scarred by these events.
Shamshun Mohamed